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The tibial fracture-pin model is a clinically relevant model of orthopedic trauma comprising a unilateral open tibial fracture with intramedullary nail internal fixation and simultaneous injury to the tibialis anterior muscle. Thermal sensitivity in this model can be measured using a 45 s hot plate paradigm.
The tibial fracture-pin model is a mouse model of orthopedic trauma and surgery that recapitulates the complex muscle, bone, nerve, and connective tissue damage that manifests with this type of injury in humans. This model was developed because previous models of orthopedic trauma did not include simultaneous injury to multiple tissue types (bone, muscle, nerves) and were not truly representative of human complex orthopedic trauma. The authors therefore modified previous models of orthopedic trauma and developed the tibial fracture-pin model. This modified fracture model consists of a unilateral open tibial fracture with intramedullary nail (IMN) internal fixation and simultaneous tibialis anterior (TA) muscle injury, resulting in mechanical allodynia that lasts up to 5 weeks post injury. This series of protocols outlines the detailed steps to perform the clinically relevant orthopedic trauma tibial fracture-pin model, followed by a modified hot plate assay to examine nociceptive changes after orthopedic injury. Taken together, these detailed, reproducible protocols will allow pain researchers to expand their toolkit for studying orthopedic trauma-induced pain.
Orthopedic trauma accounts for 25% of all injuries sustained by nearly 500 million people each year worldwide1,2,3. Orthopedic trauma can be associated with complex muscle, bone, nerve, and connective tissue damage, necessitating hospitalization and surgery to ensure adequate recovery3,4. Acute and chronic pain after orthopedic trauma can result in significant physical, psychological, and financial burdens that affect a patient's quality of life1,4. Additi....
All methods used while conducting this research were performed in compliance and with approval by the Stanford University Administrative Panel on Laboratory Animal Care (APLAC #33114) in accordance with American Veterinary Medical Association guidelines and the International Association for the Study of Pain. Mice (C57BL/6J, 9-11 weeks old upon arrival, 11-12 weeks old at study initiation) were housed 2-5 per cage and maintained on a 12 h light/dark cycle in a temperature-controlled environment with ad libitum access to food and water. Male mice weighed approximately 25 g at the start of the study. See the Table of Materials for details regar....
The tibial fracture-pin orthotrauma model reproduces the bone, muscle, and pain-like behaviors seen in complex human injury. As shown in Figure 1C, the tibial fracture heals over time, forming a callus at the fracture site that is still seen at 4 weeks post injury. As a result of the lateral approach with the bone saw described above (step 3.5), the tibialis anterior muscle is injured, becoming extensively fibrotic, as seen by increased collagen deposition throughout the tissue (
Critical steps within the protocol
It is crucial to maintain sterile conditions throughout the surgery. Moreover, proper animal care before, during, and after the surgery is paramount for the successful generation of the model. As mentioned earlier in the protocol, when performing the surgery, fracture the bone from the lateral side to ensure muscle injury. Take care not to fracture the tibia too low (below the advised junction between the middle and distal thirds of the tibia) because this will af.......
The authors have no relevant conflicts of interest to disclose.
GM is supported by an NDSEG Graduate Fellowship and a Stanford Bio-X Honorary Graduate Fellowship. VLT is supported by NIH NIGMS grant #GM137906 and the Rita Allen Foundation.
....Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
27 G needles | Medsitis | 305136 | https://medsitis.com/products/bd-precisionglide-27-g-x-1-1-4-hypodermic-needles-305136?variant=39724583299 |
5-0 suture | esuture | SN5668 | https://www.esutures.com/product/0-in-date/2-/132-/16552-medtronic-monosof-black-18-p-11-cutting-SN5668/ |
Alcohol swabs | Amazon | B00VS4F91W | https://www.amazon.com/Dynarex-Alcohol-Prep-Sterile-Medium/dp/B00VS4F91W |
Alternative drill bits | Rio Grande | 341602 | https://www.riogrande.com/product/BuschTungstenVanadiumRoundBur Set0314mm/341602 |
Bone saw drill attachment | Amazon | B07DSXR3NY | https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DSXR3NY |
Buprenorphine | Fidelis Pharmaceuticals | https://ethiqaxr.com/ordering/ | |
Ceramic implant (alternative to pin) | RISystem | RIS.221.103 | https://risystem.com/platefixation/mousescrew |
Chux (Absorbent Underpad) | Fisher Scientific | NC0059881 | https://www.fishersci.com/shop/products/underpad-17x24-chux-300-cs/nc0059881#?keyword=true |
C57BL/6J mice | The Jackson Laboratory | Jax #00664 | https://www.jax.org/strain/000664 |
Cotton swabs | Uline | S-18991 | https://www.uline.com/Product/Detail/S-18991/First-Aid/Cotton-Tipped-Applicators-Industrial-6 |
Cutting pliers | Amazon | B076XYVS6Y | https://www.amazon.com/iExcell-Diagonal-Cutting-Nippers-Chrome-Vanadium/dp/B076XYVS6Y |
Drill | Chewy | 129044 | https://www.chewy.com/dremel-cordless-dog-cat-rotary-nail/dp/156127 |
Drill bits | Amazon | B00HVIGSX2 | https://www.amazon.com/Universal-Diamond-Dremel-Rotary-Tool/dp/B00HVIGSX2 |
Electric shaver | Kent Scientific | CL9990-KIT | https://www.kentscientific.com/products/trimmer-combo-kit/ |
Eye lube | Amazon | B07H2NLCX5 | https://www.amazon.com/OptixCare-Lube-Plus-Hyaluron-Horses/dp/B07H2NLCX5 |
Gauze pads 2" x 2" | Amazon | B07GHDTB53 | https://www.amazon.com/Covidien-Curity-Sterile-Peel-Back-Package/dp/B07GHDTB53 |
Gauze pads 4" x 4" | Amazon | B00KJ6YFTC | https://www.amazon.com/Covidien-6309-Curity-Gauze-Pads/dp/B00KJ6YFTC |
High definition video camera | The Imaging Source | DFK 22AUC03 | https://www.theimagingsource.com/products/industrial-cameras/usb-2.0-color/dfk22auc03/?adsdyn&gclid=Cj0KCQiA3-yQBhD3ARIsAHuHT64uIIlImBvh_ toh-3GFSgBcL_fRc1gQTDyXlqDEa Qu4n2_VbWEiRuIaAiueEALw_wcB |
Inhalational anesthesia system | Kent Scientific | https://www.kentscientific.com/products/vaporizer-with-vetflo-single-channel-anesthesia-stand/ | |
Iodine solution | Amazon | B005FR7XIK | https://www.amazon.com/Dynarex-Povidone-Iodine-Scrub-Solution/dp/B005FR7XIK |
Iodine swab sticks | Amazon | B001V9QKMG | https://www.amazon.com/POVIDONE-IODINE-SWAB-1202-25Box/dp/B001V9QKMG |
Isoflurane | California pet pharmacy | https://www.californiapetpharmacy.com/fluriso-isoflurane-250ml.html | |
NCH Prism Software | https://www.nchsoftware.com/prism/index.html | ||
Plastic Cylinder | Amazon | B08R5KM5B6 | https://www.amazon.com/FixtureDisplays-Acrylic-Diameter-Thickness-15140-8-NPF/dp/B08R5KM5B6 |
Saline | Fisher Scientific | NC9054335 | https://www.fishersci.com/shop/products/saline-injection-0-9-10ml/NC9054335 |
Scalpel | Fisher Scientific | 12-000-162 | https://www.fishersci.com/shop/products/high-precision-10-style-scalpel-blade/12000162#?keyword= |
Scalpel handle | Amazon | B0056ZX1R8 | https://www.amazon.com/Swann-Morton-Scalpel-Handle-blades/dp/B0056ZX1R8 |
Thermal place preference apparatus | BIOSEB | BIO-T2CT | https://www.bioseb.com/en/pain-thermal-allodynia-hyperalgesia/897-thermal-place-preference-2-temperatures-choice-nociception-test.html |
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