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Full Endoscopic Interlaminar Approach for Paracentral L5-S1 Disc Herniation

Published: April 14th, 2023



1Department of Neurosurgery, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University

The full endoscopic interlaminar approach (FEILA) is a minimally invasive technique for lumbar discectomy. It has multiple advantages over other conventional discectomy methods, including less traumatization of the soft tissues, fewer complication rates (dural injury, bleeding), rapid rehabilitation, quick return to daily life activities, and preferable cosmetic results. FEILA is a surgery with a relatively steep learning adaptation. Endoscopic surgery is a closed tubular approach, and all surgical maneuvers are performed within a uniportal single working channel. Also, the technique has not yet been standardized and well-documented. Therefore, the early learning stages of this technique may not be easy for most surgeons. Despite these, FEILA is easy, and the operation length is comparable to and even shorter than other techniques of lumbar discectomy. FEILA for lumbar discectomy could be considered a safe and effective alternative procedure for paracentral L5-S1 disc herniation. Here, we describe the technique of FEILA, including every cutoff step required to reach technical proficiency for surgeons who want to start applying this approach.

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Endoscopic Interlaminar Approach

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