The Cytometry and Biomarkers Technology Unit supports biomedical projects through state-of-the-art technologies and pipelines for cell phenotyping and molecular profiling with single-cell resolution. In this context, we use different tools for single-cell multiomic analysis to obtain insights into gene expression and gene regulation in health and disease. Flow cytometry identify and source individual cells based on unique characteristic.
Recent advance include high-throughput, image-based spectral sorters, and those technology offer flexibility in panel design, enable simultaneous use of similar dyes, and the managing of autofluorescence. A major experimental challenge when using cutting-edge, single-cell technologies is working with particularly fragile or rare cell populations. Each tissue or cell type needs to undergo fine-tuned protocol optimization to obtain enough highly viable cells that translate into high-quality sequencing data.
Our modified single nuclei preparation protocol improves nuclei recovery and minimizes stress on the nuclei. It is specifically optimized for brain and bone marrow tissues and covers all the steps from sample dissociation to nuclei purification.