Qingliang Wang

State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering,

Engineering Research Center for Biomedical Materials of the Ministry of Education

East China University of Science and Technology

Hao Wang is a Professor in College of Life Sciences, South China Agricultural University, Canton, China. He received his bachelor and M. Phil. degree from Lanzhou University in Gansu Province, China, and a Ph.D. from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

As a post-doctoral fellow in Johns Hopkins University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, he focused on characterizing the roles of endomembrane trafficking and protein targeting in cell polarization using pollen tubes as a model system. There he set up and optimized a useful system to transiently express and analyze florescent reporter proteins in plant pollen tubes. By combination of the transient expression system with biochemical, genetic, molecular and advanced bio-imaging approaches, he further studied the roles of protein secretion, exocytosis and endocytosis in regulating cell polarity. Since establishing an independent lab in 2014, Dr. Wang’s research has been focus on studying the unconventional protein secretion and understanding how endomembrane trafficking regulates cell polarity and growth.

Dr. Wang has served as a reviewing editor (plant cell biology) of Frontiers in Plant Science since 2015. The work in Dr. Wang’s laboratory is currently supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province and Canton, China.

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