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We aim to provide a method for the isolation and culturing of mouse endometrial stromal cells by enzymatic digestion. The isolated stromal cells are of high purity and can be decidualized by hormones in vitro. This protocol represents a feasible and stable method for stromal cell culture and for the further study of decidualization.


A successful pregnancy relies on the establishment of decidualization, which involves the morphological and functional reprogramming of the progesterone-primed endometrial stromal cells under the influence of estrogen. In this protocol, we present a method for acquiring highly purified stromal cell isolated from the mouse uterus on day 4 of early pregnancy. Cultured primary stromal cells are then subject to further applications, such as RNA interference, overexpression, pharmaceutical treatment, immunoprecipitation, chromatic immunoprecipitation, and so on. Additionally, we provide a technique for the in vitro decidualization of cultured stromal cells using estrogen and progesterone. The in vitro decidualization method allows for the physically significant study of decidualization-related molecules. Altogether, this protocol provides a reliable and efficient method to facilitate further studies to define the molecular mechanism of decidualization.


Decidualization is a prerequisite for the establishment of pregnancy. In mice, decidualization occurs after the attachment of the embryo to the uterine luminal epithelium during the receptivity stage1. However, the mechanism underlying decidualization is still not completely understood2. Considering the complex compositions of many cell types and the cell-specific expression of different genes in the uterus, there is a high demand for the purification of different cell types to investigate the potential function of each gene in different compartments.

The wall of the uterus consists of three l....


All animal procedures were approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee of South China Agricultural University.

1. Preparation

  1. Animals and treatments
    1. House adult mice (CD-1 strain) in a specific, pathogen-free room with a temperature- and light-controlled environment (12 h light/12 h dark).
    2. Mate mature female mice with fertile males at 16:00 h.
      NOTE: The day the vaginal plug is formed is considered day 1 of pregnancy.
    3. Sacrifice the mice by cervical dislocation at 10:00 h on day 4 to collect the uterus for the isolation of mouse stromal cells.
  2. Laboratory supplies
    1. Soak all ....


The workflow of procedures are shown in Figure 1.

The purity of isolated mouse endometrium stromal cells

The main morphological feature of the isolated stromal cells was a spindle-like appearance (Figure 2A). To confirm the purity of the isolated stromal cells, immunofluorescence was performed to detect the expression of the stromal cell marker Vimenti.......


The uterus, the residence of the conceptus, is of great importance for a successful pregnancy. A tight interaction between the conceptus and the maternal uterine endometrium initiates implantation and then the proliferation and differentiation of the stromal cells around the implantation sites, which will turn into specialized decidual cells under the influence of ovarian hormones. As a result of differentiation, decidual cells acquire various new functions during this transformation, such as providing a nutritional supp.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was funded by the National Basic Research of China (2013CB910803) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31471397, 31272263 and 31501206).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Hanks’ Balanced SaltsSigmaH4891For washing the tissues or cells
Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium/Nutrient Mixture F-12 Ham SigmaD2906For mESC culture
TrypsinAmresco0 458For epithelial sheets dissociation
DispaseRoche Applied Science0 4942078001For epithelial sheets dissociation
Collagenase IInvitrogen17100-017For stromal cells dissociation
Charcoal Stripped  Foetal Bovine SerumBiological Industries04-201-1AFor the culture of mESC
ProgesteroneSigma850454For in vitro decidualization
Estradiol-17SigmaE1024For in vitro decidualization
VimentinCell Signaling Technology3932sMarker of stromal cells
0.22 μm Sterile FilterMilliporeSLGP033RBFor filtration medium
CO2 IncubatorThermo3111For the culture of mESC


  1. Ramathal, C. Y., Bagchi, I. C., Taylor, R. N., Bagchi, M. K. Seminars in reproductive medicine. © Thieme Medical Publishers. , 17-26 (2016).
  2. Van Mourik, M. S., Macklon, N. S., Heijnen, C. J. Embryonic impl....

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Mouseuteruspregnancyimplantationendometrial stromal cellsdecidualizationprogesteroneestradiol 17

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