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109° periodic domain walls can successfully be fabricated by introducing a dielectric La-BiFeO3 layer between a bottom electrode and a ferroelectric BiFeO3 layer, enabling the study of the switching behavior of a 109° domain structure and the investigation of the electric field control of exchange bias in a ferromagnet/BiFeO3 system.


A variety of exciting phenomena have been discovered using 109° domain walls in BiFeO3 thin films, such as domain wall conductivity, photovoltaic effects, and magnetoelectric coupling effects. The control of these physical properties with an electric field plays a key role in the development of nanoelectric devices. Therefore, it is critical to fabricate 109° periodic domain walls with a bottom electrode. However, the introduction of a bottom electrode favors the formation of a 71° domain structure due to the electrostatic boundary conditions. In this study, pulsed laser deposition (PLD) is used to produce multilayer epitaxial thin films. A 25% La doping BiFeO3 layer is inserted as the dielectric spacer between the bottom electrode SrRuO3 layer and the pure BiFeO3 layer, enabling the fabrication of 109° periodic domain walls engineered by an interface effect-depolarization field. Moreover, the fabrication of the 109° domain structure with a bottom electrode enables the study of its switching behavior. This protocol provides a novel route to produce 109° periodic domain walls and opens a new pathway to explore fascinating phenomena, such as the room-temperature electric field control of exchange bias in a ferromagnet/BiFeO3 system and room-temperature multiferroic vortices in BiFeO3.


Domain wall functionalities in BiFeO3 thin films, such as domain wall conductivity1, photovoltaic effects2, magnetism3, and magnetoelectric coupling4, have inspired many studies on the fabrication and manipulation of the domain structures5,6,7. Periodically ordered 71°, 109°, and 180° stripe domains have been obtained by tuning the film thickness effects, misfit strain effects, and electrostatic boundary conditions8,


1. Substrate Preparation

  1. Clean a 5 mm × 5 mm × 0.5 mm single-crystal DyScO3 (110) substrate with acetone in an ultrasonic cleaner for 5 min.
  2. Rinse the substrate with acetone for 5 s and transfer it to isopropyl alcohol. Clean it for 5 min in the ultrasonic cleaner.
  3. Rinse the substrate with isopropyl alcohol for 5 s and dry it using N2 flow.
  4. Mount the substrate on a heater with silver paint and then put the heater on a hot plate to dry the silver paint for 10 min at 100 °C.
  5. After the heater cools down to room temperature, blow it with N2 flow. Mount it into the PLD chamb....


The multilayer BiFeO3/La-BiFeO3/SrRuO3films on the DyScO3 (110) substrate are produced by PLD, and the heterostructure stack is shown in Figure 2. To obtain the 109° domain structure with a bottom electrode, a thin dielectric layer of La-BiFeO3 is inserted between the SrRuO3 bottom electrode and the ferroelectric BiFeO3 layer.


PLD is a powerful technique to fabricate complex oxide epitaxial thin films19. Using this technique, many investigations have been carried out on BiFeO3 thin films13,20,21,22. As one of the most striking aspects, domain walls are widely studied due to a wealth of fascinating phenomena1,2,


The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


The work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2016YFA0201002) and NSFC (Grant Nos. 51431006, 11474146, 61674062, and 51602110).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Pulsed LaserCoherentComplex Pro 205 F
Power MeterCoherentFieldMaxII
TargetHome MadeMade on request
Piezoresponse Force MicroscopyOxford InsturmentsMFP-3D Infinity Asylum Research AFM
Isopropyl AlcoholFisher ChemicalA415-4
ActoneFisher ChemicalA949-4


  1. Seidel, J., et al. Conduction at domain walls in oxide multiferroics. Nat Mater. 8, 229-234 (2009).
  2. Choi, T., Lee, S., Choi, Y., Kiryukhin, V., Cheong, S. -. W. Switchable ferroelectric diode and photovoltaic effect in BiFeO3.

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Pulsed laser depositionBiFeO3thin filmsdomain structurecomplex oxides109 domain wallinterface engineeringdepolarization field

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