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This article outlines the procedures to isolate myeloid-derived suppressor cells from mouse solid tumors and perform an in vitro assay with the cells to determine their response migration potential to certain soluble factors like cytokines and chemokines.


The importance of the immune response in cancer and other diseases (like diabetes mellitus, alzheimers, cystic fibrosis) is now known, and the manipulation of the immune system as a therapy to treat cancer is gaining attention. The immune system regulates tumorigenesis both negatively and positively. The myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) are a population of immune cells that are increased during cancer, inflammation, and infection. These cells influence the immune response and effectively suppresses the anti-tumor T cell response. They serve as potential targets for therapeutic intervention to effectively use the immune system to inhibit tumorigenesis. To better understand how such intervention can be applied it is important to study these cell types. Using mouse ovarian tumors, we describe the isolation of MDSCs from solid tissue using gentle dissociation techniques. We further describe how MDSCs are isolated from such dissociated tissue based on the expression of cell surface markers with the help of flow cytometry. Additionally, we describe the procedure to perform an in vitro MDSC migration assay to determine the migration potential of these cells in response to soluble factors like cytokines and chemokines.


In recent years a number of studies have focused on understanding the role of immune cells in cancer development and progression. One way by which tumor cells evade the immune system is through the expression of immunosuppressive factors that activate, upregulate, and attract immune suppressive cells like MDSCs in the tumor microenvironment1.

MDSCs are a population of immature myeloid cells that are generated in the bone marrow. Under normal conditions, these immature cells differentiate into mature myeloid cells like macrophages, monocytes, or dendritic cells2. Under pathologic condition, the....


All procedures were performed under the guidance of University of Texas at MD Anderson IACUC review board.

1. Reagent Preparation

  1. Preparation of medium for migration assay
    1. Prepare 500 mL of complete RPMI media for the migration assay: RPMI medium supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (FBS) and 1% pen-strep (penicillin 500 U/mL and streptomycin 500 µg/mL).
  2. Preparation of buffers for staining MDSCs
    1. Prepare the tumor dissociation buffer with 100 U/mL Collagenase type IV and 100 µg/mL DNase in RPMI with 10% FBS. Store the ....


Here, we present results obtained from the isolation of MDSCs from mouse ovarian tumors20. Following the procedure described above, we isolated single cells and stained them for MDSCs. MDSCs in the tumors were labeled with APC-Cy7-CD45, FITC-GR1, PE-CD11b. To elucidate the MDSC population, these cells can be further stained with Ly6C and Ly6G, as shown in the gating strategy in Figure 1. Labeled cells were sorted by flow cytometry. Lab.......


We have described the methodology to isolate MDSCs from mouse ovarian tumor. The same method can be utilized for isolating MDSCs or other immune cells from any solid normal tissue or solid tumor using cell-specific markers. Additionally, depending on the nature of the tissue the incubation time with the dissociation buffer will need to be optimized.

The isolation of viable immune cells from tumor tissue depends on performing the different isolation steps from dissecting tumors to obtain the so.......


The authors declare that they have no competing financial interests.


This work was supported by the Ann and Sol Schreiber Mentored Investigator Award (POE/DF/02.2011) awarded to SS.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Collagenase IVThermo Fisher17104019Tumor dissociation
Cell strainerFalcon352350Cell strain
RBC lysis bufferBiolegend420301Cell culture medium
DMEM+GlutamaxGibco10569010Cell culture medium
RPMIGibco11875093Cell culture medium
FBSGibco10082147Serum for Cell culture
Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS)SigmaD8537-500MLPBS
TrypsinInvitrogen25200-056Cell dissociation 
Sterile water Invitrogen10977-015For dilution of buffers
BV605-CD11bBiolegend101237Antibody for MDSC labeling
FITC-GR1Biolegend108405Antibody for MDSC labeling
APC-Cy7-CD45Biolegend103115Antibody for lymphocyte labeling
PE-Cy7-Ly6CBiolegend128017Antibody for MDSC labeling
APC-Ly6GBiolegend127613Antibody for MDSC labeling
TNFα neutralizing antibodyBiolegend506309neutralizing antibody
Ghost Dye Violet 450Tonbo Biosciences13-0863Cell viability dye
UltraComp BeadsInvitrogen01-2222-42Compensation beads
Cell culture insertsCorning353097Migration chamber
LSR Fortessa X-20BD BiosciencesLSR Fortessa X-20Fluorescent Cell analyzer
BD FACSAria FusionBD BiosciencesBD FACSAria FusionFluorescent Cell sorter
Cell countessCell countessCell countessCell countess
Flow JoSoftware for Analysis of flow data
PrismPlotting of graph and statistical analysis
C57BL/6 miceTaconicB6-Fmice for tumor generation


  1. Sevko, A., Umansky, V. Myeloid-derived suppressor cells interact with tumors in terms of myelopoiesis, tumorigenesis and immunosuppression: thick as thieves. J Cancer. 4 (1), 3-11 (2013).
  2. Gabrilovich, D. I., Ostrand-Rosenberg, S., Bronte, V.

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MDSC isolationmigration assaytumor dissociationflow cytometrymurinein vitro

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