François Rigalleau is a Professor in Psychology at the University of Poitiers (Human Sciences and Arts Faculty) in France. He received his undergraduate in this University and had diplomas in Linguistics at the University of Paris 8 (1997), and in Neuropsychology at the University of Lyon (1991).
During Pr. Rigalleau’s training, he first studied language disorders and was a post-doc fellow with Pr. David Caplan at Mass. General Hospital. He studied language comprehension in aphasia, showing a deficit for automatic linguistic agreement. He was recruited at the Research Center on Cognition and Learning (CNRS, UMR 7295). His interest on automatic and controlled processing induced a collaboration with Pascal Huguet and Isabelle Regner about stereotype threat in older adults. With a doctoral student, Marie Mazerolle, they showed a specific effect of stereotype threat on automatic memory processes based on familiarity. He currently works on the Aging ANR grant about the effect of stereotype threat on the diagnostic of Mild Cognitive Impairment.
He is director of the Center for Human and Social Sciences of Poitiers (2014-2019).