Division of Thoracic and Endocrine Surgery
Current position: head of the basic research laboratory of the thoracic and endocrine surgery unit in the Surgery Department, University hospitals and university of medicine of Geneva, Switzerland.
Academic training: engineer's degree in Biochemistry from INSA (Institut des Sciences Appliquées, Lyon, France), and a Ph.D. from the University of Grenoble, France.
Ph.D thesis: I studied the visual phototransduction, especially the role of disulfide bonds on the activity of the cGMP-gated channel from retinal rods.
Post-doctoral fellows
(1996 to 1997) in Prof. Thorens’s Laboratory, Institute of Pharmacology and Toxycology, University of Lausanne - study of the the role of the GLP-1 receptor on beta-cell glucose competence - Methods: cell culture / directed mutagenesis in cells / in vitro tests related to the glucose-stimulated secretion
(1998-2003) Assitant in Prof. Meda's Laboratory, Institute of Morphology, School of Medicine, University of Geneva - Study of the gap jonction of the pancreatic beta-cells / Identification of Cx36 as the major gap junction in pancreatic islets - Methods: experiment on wild type and transgenic mice /molecular biology (western blot; immunofluorescence: RT-PCR; southern blot, ...)
(2003-2009) Assistant Master in Prof. Bühler's lab, Surgical Research Unit, Dpt of Surgery, School of Medicine, University of Geneva - Main study on pancreatic islet transplantation: role of the revascularization of isolated pancreatic islets / role of the macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) in islet rejection and in glucose homeostasis.
Since 2009 Head of the basic research lab of the Thoracic and Endocrine Surgery Unit, Dpt of Surgery, School of Medicine, University of Geneva - Main topic -> the thoracic cancers including mesothelioma and lung cancers // Study of the role of the MIF/CD74 pathway in the development of the thoracic cancers. A potential therapeutic target. // Development of in vitro 3D culture models from patient-derived lung tumors.
Since 1999, teacher for problem-based learning unit and practicals of histology, 2nd year medical students, University of Geneva
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