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长期以来,细胞和基因治疗(CGT)行业的研究人员在细胞的高效和大规模扩增方面面临着巨大的挑战。针对二维平面培养系统的主要缺点,我们创新性地开发了一种基于GMP级可溶解多孔微载体的自动化封闭式工业规模细胞生产(ACISCP)平台,用于贴壁细胞的3D培养,包括人间充质干细胞/基质细胞(hMSCs)、HEK293T细胞和Vero细胞。为了实现大规模扩增,使用5 L和15 L搅拌罐生物反应器进行了两级扩增,在9天内产生了1.1 x10 10 hMSCs,整体扩增了128倍。通过完全溶解微载体收获细胞,浓缩,洗涤和配制基于连续流离心机的细胞处理系统,然后与细胞填充系统分装。与2D平面培养相比,从3D培养中收获的hMSCs的质量没有显著差异。我们还将这些可溶解的多孔微载体应用于CGT领域的其他流行细胞类型;具体而言,HEK293T 细胞和 Vero 细胞的峰值细胞密度分别为 1.68 x 10 7 个细胞/mL 和 1.08 x 107 个细胞/mL。本研究提供了一种使用生物工艺工程平台的方案,利用GMP级可溶解微载体和先进的封闭设备的特性来实现贴壁细胞的工业规模生产。


在过去的二十年里,CGT行业呈指数级增长。下一代药物的发展有望治疗和治愈许多难治性疾病1.自 2017 年美国食品药品监督管理局 (FDA) 首次批准 CGT 产品 Kymriah 以来,全球 CGT 相关研发持续快速增长,FDA 看到 CGT 的积极研究性新药申请在 2018 年增加到 500 项2。据预测,到 2030 年,美国 CGT 产品的批准数量可能达到 54-74 个2



人体脐带购自北京清华长庚医院。所有关于人脐带间充质干细胞 (UCMSCs) 的获取、分离和培养的程序和方案均在知情同意下进行,并经北京清华长庚医院伦理委员会批准(备案号 22035-4-02),程序和方案符合 1964 年赫尔辛基宣言及其后来的修正案或类似的伦理标准。

1. hMSCs、HEK293T细胞和Vero细胞的单层培养

  1. 根据报告的方法21从沃顿氏果冻中分离原代人UCMSC。使用无血清 (SF) hMSC 培养基分离和生长原代 UCMSC,在第 2 代收获细胞,并作为主细胞库 (MCB) 冷冻保存。
  2. 在一个 T75 烧瓶中接种 6 x 105 人 UCMSC(优选传代 2 或传代 3 个细胞)(即,2D 平面血管上的接种密度为 8,000 个细胞/cm2),用于单层培养,用 15 mL 完全 SF hMSC 培养基。通过烧瓶的八字形运动确保均匀播种。在37°C下在5%CO2 细胞培养箱中培养至80%-90%汇合度。
  3. 收获时,倒出细胞培养基,并用 3-5 mL 磷酸盐缓冲盐水 (PBS) 冲洗细胞两次。然后,加入2mL 0.25%胰蛋白酶-EDTA,并在37°C下孵育1-2分钟,直到大多数细胞变圆并从烧瓶中分离,如在明场倒置显微镜下观察到的那样4倍物镜。加入 3 m....


ACISCP 平台是一个全封闭系统,采用一系列用于放大扩增的搅拌罐生物反应器、用于自动细胞收获和配制的细胞处理系统以及细胞填充系统(图 1)。贴壁细胞附着在多孔微载体上,可分散到生物反应器中,从而实现贴壁细胞的悬浮培养。

按照所述方案,首先将2.5×108个hMSCs和10g W01微载体接种在5L搅拌罐生物反应器中以进行初始扩增。在第 4 天,?.......


免疫疗法和干细胞疗法都使用活细胞作为药物;然而,它们的最终产品不应像小分子或病毒那样进行纯化或灭菌。因此,应始终牢记质量源于设计 (QbD) 的原则,并将其实际应用于电池生产过程中的化学制造和控制 (CMC) 过程23。优先考虑完全封闭的细胞培养系统以及处理系统和灌装系统,以满足要求。在这项研究中,我们提出了一种利用基于 GMP 级、可溶解和多孔 3D 微载体的.......







NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
0.25% trypsin EDTABasalMediaS310JVUsed for 2D cell harvest.
3D FloTrix DigestCytoNiche BiotechR001-500This is a reagent that specifically dissolves 3D TableTrix microcarriers.
3D FloTrix MSC Serum Free MediumCytoNiche BiotechRMZ112This is a serum-free,animal-free medium for mesenchymal stem cell expansion and maintenance in 2D planar culture as well as 3D culture on 3D TableTrix microcarriers.
3D FloTrix Single-Use Filtration ModuleCytoNiche BiotechR020-00-10This module contains 0.22 μm capsule filters used for filtration of culture medium and digest solution.
3D FloTrix Single-Use Storage Bag (10 L)CytoNiche BiotechR020-00-03Used as feed bag for 5 L bioreactor.
3D FloTrix Single-Use Storage Bag (3 L)CytoNiche BiotechR020-00-01Used as cell seeding or transfer bags.
3D FloTrix Single-Use Storage Bag (50 L)CytoNiche BiotechR020-00-04Used as feed bag for 15 L bioreactor.
3D FloTrix vivaPACK Disposable Fill&Finish Consumable KitCytoNiche BiotechPACK-01-01This is a standard kit adapted to 3D vivaPACK fill and finish system.
3D FloTrix vivaPACK fill and finish system for cellsCytoNiche BiotechvivaPACKThis system is a closed liquid handling device, with automated mixing and gas exhausting functions. Cells resuspended in cryopreservation buffer can be rapidly and evenly aliquoted into 20 bags per batch.
3D FloTrix vivaPREP PLUS cell processing systemCytoNiche BiotechvivaPREP PLUSThis system is a continuous flow centrifuge-based device.Cells can be concentrated, washed, and resuspended under completely closed procedures.
3D FloTrix vivaPREP PLUS Disposable Cell Processing KitCytoNiche BiotechPREP-PLUS-00This is a standard kit adapted to 3D vivaPREP PLUS cell processing.
3D FloTrix vivaSPIN  bioreactor 15 LCytoNiche BiotechFTVS15This bioreactor product employs a controller, a 15 L glass stirred-tank vessel, and assessories. A special perfusion tube is available.
3D FloTrix vivaSPIN  bioreactor 5 LCytoNiche BiotechFTVS05This bioreactor product employs a controller, a 5 L glass stirred-tank vessel, and assessories.A special perfusion tube is available.
3D FloTrix vivaSPIN Closed System Consumable Pack (10/15 L)CytoNiche BiotechR020-10-10This is a standard tubing kit adapted to 3D vivaSPIN bioreactor 15 L, containing sampling bags.
3D FloTrix vivaSPIN Closed System Consumable Pack (2/5 L)CytoNiche BiotechR020-05-10This is a standard tubing kit adapted to 3D vivaSPIN bioreactor 5 L, containing sampling bags.
3D TableTrix microcarriers G02CytoNiche BiotechG02-10-10gThese porous and degradable microcarriers are suitable for HEK293T cell culture. They come pre-sterilized in 10g/bottle with C-Flex tubings for welding to tubes on bioreactors.
3D TableTrix microcarriers V01CytoNiche BiotechV01-100-10gThese porous and degradable microcarriers are suitable for adherent cell culture, they come as non-sterilized microcarriers that need to be autoclaved in PBS before use. They are especially suitable for vaccine production.
3D TableTrix microcarriers W01CytoNiche BiotechW01-10-10g (single-use packaging);
W01-200 (tablets)
These porous and degradable microcarriers are suitable for adherent cell culture, especially for cells that need to be harvested as end products. They come pre-sterilized in 10g/bottle with C-Flex tubings for welding to tubes on bioreactors.The product has obtained 2 qualifications for pharmaceutical excipients from CDE, with the registration numbers of [F20200000496; F20210000003]. It has also received DMF qualification for pharmaceutical excipients from FDA, with the registration number of [DMF:35481]
APC anti-human CD45 AntibodyBioLegend368512Used in flow cytometry for MSC identity assessment
Calcein-AM/PI Double Staining KitDojindoC542Calcein-AM/PI Double Staining Kit is utilized for simultaneous fluorescence staining of viable and dead cells. This kit contains Calcein-AM and Propidium Iodide (PI) solutions, which stain viable and dead cells, respectively.
Cap for EZ Top Container Closures for NALGENE-containers (500mL)Saint-GobainCAP-38Brands and catalogue numbers are only for example, similar products are available from various suppliers and as long as they have the same functionality, items could be substituted with other brands.
C-Flex Tubing, Formulation 374 (0.25 in x 0.44 in)Saint-Gobain374-250-3Used for tube welding and disconnection.
CryoMACS Freezing Bag 50Miltenyi Biotec 200-074-400Used for expanding the 3D FloTrix vivaPACK Disposable Fill&Finish Consumable Kit.
Dimethyl Sulfate (DMSO) SigmaD2650-100mLUsed for preparation of cryopreservation solution.
Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM)BasalMediaL120KJUsed for cultivation of HEK293T and Vero cells.
DURAN Original GL 45 Laboratory bottle (2 L)DWK life sciences218016357Used for waste collection from the 5 L bioreactor.
DURAN Original GL 45 Laboratory bottle (5 L)DWK life sciences218017353Used for waste collection from the 15 L bioreactor.
DURAN Original GL 45 Laboratory bottle (500 mL)DWK life sciences218014459Used for supplementary bottle of 0.1 M NaOH.
EZ Top Container Closures for NALGENE-containers (500mL)Saint-GobainEZ500 ML-38-2Brands and catalogue numbers are only for example, similar products are available from various suppliers and as long as they have the same functionality, items could be substituted with other brands.
Fetal bovine serum (FBS) superior qualityWisent086-150Used for cultivation of HEK293T cells.
FITC anti-human CD14 AntibodyBioLegend301804Used in flow cytometry for MSC identity assessment.
FITC anti-human CD34 AntibodyBioLegend343504Used in flow cytometry for MSC identity assessment.
FITC anti-human CD90 (Thy1) AntibodyBioLegend328108Used in flow cytometry for MSC identity assessment.
Flow cytometryBeckman CoulterCytoFLEXUsed for cell identity assessment.
Fluorescence Cell AnalyzerAlit life scienceCountstar Rigel S2Used for cell counting. Cell viability can be calculated by staining with AO/PI dyes.
GL 45 Multiport Connector Screw Cap with 2 ports DWK life sciences292632806Brands and catalogue numbers are only for example, similar products are available from various suppliers and as long as they have the same functionality, items could be substituted with other brands.
Glucose MeterSinocare6243578Used for detecting glucose concentration in cell culture medium and supernatant.
Hank's Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS), with calcium and magnesiumGibco14025092Used for preparation of digest solution.
Human Albumin 20% Behring (HSA)CSL BehringN/AUsed for preparation of wash buffer.
Inverted fluorescent microscopeOLYMBUSCKX53SFUsed for brifgt field and fluorescent observation and imaging.
Nalgene Measuring Cylinder (500 mL)Thermo Scientific3662-0500PKUsed for calibrating the liquid handling volume speed of peristaltic pumps.
Newborn calf serum (NBS) superfineMINHAI BIOSC101.02Used for cultivation of Vero cells.
OriCell human mesenchymal stem cell adipogenic differentiation and characterization kitCyagenHUXUC-90031Used for tri-lineage differentiation of hUCMSCs.
OriCell human mesenchymal stem cell chondrogenic differentiation and characterization kitCyagenHUXUC-90041Used for tri-lineage differentiation of hUCMSCs.
OriCell human mesenchymal stem cell osteogenic differentiation and characterization kitCyagenHUXUC-90021Used for tri-lineage differentiation of hUCMSCs.
PE anti-human CD105 AntibodyBioLegend800504Used in flow cytometry for MSC identity assessment.
PE anti-human CD19 AntibodyBioLegend302208Used in flow cytometry for MSC identity assessment.
PE anti-human CD73 (Ecto-5'-nucleotidase) AntibodyBioLegend344004Used in flow cytometry for MSC identity assessment.
PE anti-human HLA-DR AntibodyBioLegend307605Used in flow cytometry for MSC identity assessment.
Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS)Wisent311-010-CLUsed in autoclaving of glass vessel and V01 microcarriers, and replacement of culture medium.
Sani-Tech Platinum Cured Sanitary Silicone Tubing (0.13 in x 0.25 in)Saint-GobainULTRA-C-125-2FUsed for solution transfering driven by peristaltic pumps.
Sterile SalineHopebiolHBPP008-500Used for preparation of wash buffer.
Trypzyme Recombinant TrypsinBasalMediaS342JVThis reagent is used for bead-to-bead transfer of HEK293T and Vero cells.
Tube SealerYingqi BiotechTube Sealer IThis sealer is compatible with both C-Flex tubing and PVC tubing.
Tube Welder for PVC tubingChu BiotechTube Welder Micro IUsed for welding of PVC tubing.
Tube Welder for TPE tubingYingqi BiotechTube Welder I-V2Used for welding of TPE tubing.
ViaStain AO / PI Viability StainsNexcelomCS2-0106-25mLDual-Fluorescence Viability, using acridine orange (AO) and propidium iodide (PI), is the recommended method for accurate viability analysis of primary cells, such as PBMCs, and stem cells in samples containing debris.


  1. Golchin, A., Farahany, T. Z. Biological products: Cellular therapy and FDA approved products. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports. 15 (2), 166-175 (2019).
  2. Young, C. M., Quinn, C., Trusheim, M. R.


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