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First, to prepare the pellet, inject medical adhesive silicone down one end of a pre-cut piece of silicone tubing. Next, pack dihydrotestosterone or DHT crystal powder tightly inside the tubing. Then, use medical adhesive silicone to seal the other end of the tubing. Pellets should have equal amounts of silicone at each end with no bubbles. Place pellets in saline solution before inserting them in a female mouse.
On an anesthetized mouse, use a cotton swab with disinfectant to clean the shaved surgical area. Make a small incision through the skin near the neck. Use a trochar to make a tunnel under the skin in the direction of the mouse's nose. Insert the pellet into the tunnel. Lastly, seal the incision with surgical adhesive. The pellet will release a steady dose of DHT and is replaced every 4 weeks to ensure prolonged exposure to the drug.
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