10:40 min
December 28th, 2016
December 28th, 2016
The overall goal of this experiment is to capture cap-binding proteins in conditions of low oxygen. This method utilizes an agarose linked seven methyl-guanosine cap analog to investigate cap-binding factors and their interacting partners. This method will help answer key questions in the field of protein synthesis such as identifying novel oxygen regulated factors involved in cap dependent translation.
The main advantage of this technique is that cells are kept in a hypoxia workstation up until the point of lysis. The implications of this technique extend towards cancer therapy because cancer cells within a tumor are exposed to very low levels of oxygen and translational control plays a key role in tumor progression. We first had the idea for this method when we read a recent publication from Corona's colleagues reporting that tissue oxygenation is actually closer to what we call hypoxia rather than the normaxia that cells are routinely cultured in.
Begin this procedure will cell culture as described in the text protocol. After counting the cells using a hemocytometer feed 150 millimeter cultured dishes containing 15 milliliters of complete medium to obtain a cell density of 2500 to 5000 cells per square centimeter. Use two 150 millimeter dishes for each cap-binding assay.
Place the seeded culture dishes in the incubator at 37 degrees celsius and a five percent carbon dioxide atmosphere. After the cells have incubated at least 24 hours place the cells into a hypoxia workstation for the desired time. Then, set the workstation to the appropriate physioxia.
Pre-warm one X phosphate buffered saline, or PBS, and trypsin in a 37 degree celsius water bath for 30 minutes. Aliquot 980 microliters of lysis buffer into a 1.5 microliter centrifuge tube for each cap-binding assay being performed. 10 microliters of 100X protease inhibitor cocktail and 10 microliters of 4-benzenesulfonyl fluoride hydrocloride to the 980 microliters of lysis buffer on ice.
Discard the media from each 150 millimeter dish in a waste container within the hypoxia workstation. Then, wash the cells with three to four milliliters of warm one X PBS and discard the liquid. Add one milliliter of warm 05 percent trypsin EDTA to each dish and let the dishes sit for two minutes or until the cells are no longer adhered to the plate.
Using a pipette transfer the cells of one plate to a 1.5 milliliter micro-centrifuge tube. Repeat as needed so that each plate of cells is transferred to a separate 1.5 milliliter micro-centrifuge tube. Centrifuge the micro-centrifuge tubes at 6000 times g for 90 seconds to pellet the cells.
Following centrifugation aspirate the trypsin using a pipette without disturbing the pellet. Wash the cells with warm one X PBS by gently pipetting 200 microliters of PBS into the tube just above the pellet. Then aspirate the PBS without disturbing the pellet.
Next, pipette 500 microliters from the one milliliter prepared lysis buffer solution onto the first cellular pellet. Re-suspend the pellet entirely by pipetting up and down. Combine the re-suspended cells with the second cell pellet and re-suspend the second pellet by pipetting up and down.
Repeat this process until all pellets have been combined and re-suspended for each sample. Next, combine the lysate with the remaining 500 microliters of lysis buffer in a 1.5 liter micro-centrifuge tube. Remove the samples from the hypoxia workstation.
Lyse the cells using gentle agitation by rotating the samples at four degrees celsisus for 1.5 to two hours. Following incubation, centrifuge the lysed cells at 1200 times g for 15 minutes at four degrees celsius to remove cellular debris. Transfer the lysate to a new 1.5 milliliter micro-centrifuge tube and discard the pellet.
Reserve a portion of the supernatant to be used as whole cell lysate input control for western blot analysis. To prepare for the cap-binding assay use scissors to remove the tip of the pipette to facilitate collection of the bead slurry. For each sample transfer 50 microliters of the blank agarose bead control slurry and 50 microliters of the m7GTP agarose C10-linked beads slurry to separate 1.5 milliliter micro-centrifuge tubes.
Then, pellet the beads by centrifuging the slurry at 500 times g for 30 seconds. Remove the supernatant carefully and re-suspend the beads in 500 microliters of TBS. After repeating these steps pellet the beads at 500 times g for 30 seconds and remove the supernatant.
Next, transfer the supernatant containing the lysate to the 1.5 milliliter micro-centrifuge tube containing the blank agarose beads. Incubate for 10 minutes at four degrees celsius with gentle agitation. After 10 minutes, pellet the blank agarose beads by centrifuging at 500 times g for 30 seconds.
Following centrifugation transfer the lysate that doesn't bind to the beads to the 1.5 milliliter micro-centrifuge tube containing the m7GTP agarose C10-linked beads. Wash the blank agarose beads by re-suspending the beads in 500 microliters of lysis buffer, pelleting the beads by centrifuging at 500 time g for 30 seconds, and discarding the supernatant. Repeat this four times for a total of five washes.
Re-suspend the blank agarose beads in one X SDS-PAGE sample buffer. And boil the beads for 90 seconds at 95 degrees celsius. Store the sample at 20 degrees celsius for future western blot analysis to observe weather the protein of interest binds non-specifically to the bead.
Incubate the lysate with the m7GTP agarose C10-linked beads with gentle agitation for one hour at four degrees celsuis to capture cap-binding proteins. Following agitation, pellet the m7GTP agarose C10-linked beads by centrifuging at 500 times g for 30 seconds. After discarding the supernatant, wash the m7GTP agarose C10-linked beads as before.
Re-suspend the beads in 600 microliters of lysis buffer and add GTP to a final concentration of one millimolar. Incubate the m7GTP agarose C10-linked beads plus one millimolar GTP with gentle agitation for one hour at four degrees celsius. This will dissociate proteins that non-specifically interact with m7GTP.
Pellet the m7GTP agarose C10-linked beads by centrifuging at 500 time g for 30 seconds. Transfer the supernatant to a new 1.5 milliliter micro-centrifuge tube, and add 200 microliters of four X SDS-PAGE sample buffer. After washing the beads as before, re-suspend the beads in one X SDS-PAGE sample buffer and boil at 95 degrees celsius for 90 seconds.
Shown here are representative western blots of a typical m7GTP affinity purification of two major cap-binding proteins in response to oxygen fluctuations in primary human renal proximal tubule epithelial cells. The cell lysates were exposed to eight percent, five percent, three percent, or one percent oxygen for 24 hours. The lanes include 10 percent of the whole cell lysate as the input, a GTP washed to measure the specificity for m7GTP, and the proteins bound to m7GTP beads after the GTP wash.
Data from at least three independent experiments were quantified by Image J and expressed as relative density units relative to 10 percent input of the whole cell lysate. Results indicate that human cells cultured under physiological oxygen utilize two cap-binding proteins to recruit distinct mRNAs for translation. After watching this video you should have a good understanding of how to capture cap-binding proteins in low oxygen conditions.
While attempting this procedure it's important to remember to keep cells in the hypoxia workstation up until the point of lysis, as oxygen can rapidly alter the biochemical properties of these translation initiation factors. Following this procedure other methods like polysome fractionation can be performed to answer additional questions such as which cap-binding proteins associate with active translation under conditions of low oxygen.
Here, we present human cell culture protocols to analyze translation initiation factors that bind the 5' cap of mRNA during physiological oxygen conditions. This method utilizes an Agarose-linked m7GTP cap analog and is suitable to investigate cap-binding factors and their interacting partners.
Subculturing Cells and Physioxic Exposure
Cell Lysis
Cap-binding Assay
Results: Analysis of Cap-binding Ability in Response to Oxygen of eIF4E and eIF4E2 in an m7GTP Affinity Column
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