Conversion of Pentosan from Jute Biomass into Sugars
Results: Conversion of Pentosan from Jute Biomass into C5 Sugars and Characterization of Jute Biomass and Acidic Ionic Liquid Catalyst
The overall goal of this novel method is to convert pentosan present in jute biomass into C5 sugars using acidic ionic liquids.This method can also be used for the determination of pentosan concentrations present in the jute biomass.This measure e
We present a protocol for the synthesis of C5 sugars (xylose and arabinose) from a renewable non-edible lignocellulosic biomass (i.e., jute) with the presence of Brønsted acidic ionic liquids (BAILs) as the catalyst in water. The BAILs catalyst exhibited better catalytic performance than conventional mineral acid catalysts (H2SO4 and HCl).