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  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
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Tree-ring climate reconstructions can be helpful to better understand past climate variability beyond instrumental records. This protocol shows how to reconstruct past climate using tree rings and meteorological instrumental records.


Tree rings have been used to reconstruct climatological variables in many locations around the world. Moreover, tree-rings can provide valuable insights into climatic variability of the last few centuries and, in some areas, several millennia. Despite the important development, that dendrochronology has had in recent decades to study the dendroclimatic potential of a large number of species present in different ecosystems, much remains to be done and explored. In addition to this, in the last few years more people (students, teachers and researchers) around the world are interested in implementing this science to extend the timeline of climate information backwards and understand how climate has changed on scales of decades, centuries or millennia. Therefore, the objective of this work is to describe the general aspects and basic steps needed to conduct a tree-ring climate reconstruction, from site selection and field sampling to laboratory methods and data analysis. In this method's video and manuscript, the general basis in tree-ring climatic reconstructions is explained so newcomers and students can use it as an available guide into this field of research.


Tree rings are fundamental to our understanding of how trees respond to their environment. In addition, because climate affects tree growth, trees serve as environmental gauges recording the temporal variations during their lifespan. Thus, tree rings have been valuable to reconstruct past climates far beyond any instrumental climate record.

Growth processes in roots, stems, branches, leaves, and reproductive strategies in trees are regulated by environmental factors such as water, light, temperature, and soil nutrients1. For example, stems grow radially and the vascular cambium controls radial growth


Before the field trips have the permission of the owners, in case of a conservation area, or the corresponding authorities. It is very important that some personnel representing the authority participate in the field work to avoid any problem.

1. Sampling strategy

  1. Determining the study area
    1. Select the most appropriate sampling area based on climatic information and forest composition (forests can be highly heterogeneous; Figure 1A,B).
    2. Check that the sampling site shows evident annual climatic seasonality and inter-annual climatic variation inc....

Representative Results

Following steps 1.1 and 1.2 of the protocol, Pinus lumholtzii B.L. Rob. & Fernald was selected for this study. Among the most important aspects that were considered, a few are as follows: It is a conifer of the genus Pinus with a wide geographical distribution and very few studies from the dendrochronological point of view; it develops in poor sites with rocky outcrops, with low water storage capacity, and its growth is limited by low water and nutritional availability, which causes slow growth rate.......


Proxy records are natural systems that depend on the weather, which were present in the past and still exist, such as lake and marine sediments, pollen, coral reefs, ice cores, packrat middens, and tree rings, so information can be derived from them24. However, from most climate-sensitive proxies, tree rings represent the proxy with the highest precision and interannual resolution, allowing the dating of climatic and ecological events to the exact year of occurrence, spanning for centuries, and so.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The research project was carried out thanks to the financing through the projects CONAFOR-2014, C01-234547 and UNAM-PAPIIT IA201621.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
ARSTAN Softwarehttps://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/tree-ring-laboratory/resources/software
Belt SanderDewalt Dwp352vs-b3 3x21 PuLGFor sanding samples
Chain Saw ChapsForestry SuppliersPGI 5-Ply Para-Aramidhttps://www.forestry-suppliers.com/Search.php?stext=Chain%20Saw%20Chaps
ChainsawStihl or Husqvarna for exampleMS 660Essential equipment for taking cross sections samples (Example: 18-24 inch bar)
ClinometerForestry SuppliersSuunto PM5/360PC with Percent and Degree Scaleshttps://www.forestry-suppliers.com/Search.php?stext=Clinometer
COFECHA Softwarehttps://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/tree-ring-laboratory/resources/software
CompassForestry SuppliersSuunto MC2 Navigator Mirror Sightinghttps://www.forestry-suppliers.com/Search.php?stext=compass
Dendroecological fieldwork programsPrograms where dating skills can be acquired or honedhttp://dendrolab.indstate.edu/NADEF.htm
Diameter tapeForestry SuppliersModel 283D/10M Fabric or Steel.https://www.forestry-suppliers.com/Search.php?stext=Diameter%20tape
Digital cameraCANONEOS 90D DSLRTo take pictures of the site and the samples collected (https://www.canon.com.mx/productos/fotografia/camaras-eos-reflex)
Digital camera for microscopeOLYMPUSDP27https://www.olympus-ims.com/es/microscope/dp27/
Electrical tape or Plastic wrap to protect samplesuline.comhttps://www.uline.com/Product/Detail/S-6140/Mini-Stretch-Wrap-Rolls/
Field formatThere is no any specific characteristicTo collect information from each of the samples
Field notebookTo take notes on study site information
GlovesFor field protection
Haglöf Increment Borer Bit StarterForestry Suppliershttps://www.forestry-suppliers.com/Search.php?stext=Increment%20borer
Hearing protectionForestry SuppliersThere is no any specific characteristichttps://www.forestry-suppliers.com/Search.php?stext=Hearing%20protection
HelmetForestry SuppliersThere is no any specific characteristichttps://www.forestry-suppliers.com/Search.php?stext=Wildland%20Fire%20Helmet
Increment borerForestry SuppliersHaglofhttps://www.forestry-suppliers.com/Search.php?stext=Increment%20borer
Large backpacksThere is no any specific characteristicStrong backpack for transporting cross-sections in the field
Safety GlassesForestry SuppliersThere is no any specific characteristichttps://www.forestry-suppliers.com/Search.php?stext=Safety%20Glasses
SandpaperFrom 40 to 1200 grit
Software Measure J2XVersion 4.2http://www.voortech.dreamhosters.com/projectj2x/tringSubscribeV2.html
STATISTICAKernel Release 5.5 program (Stat Soft Inc. 2000)Statistical analysis program
Topographic map, land cover mapObtained from a public institution or generated in a first phase of research
Tube for drawingsThere is no any specific characteristicStrong tube for transporting samples in the field
Velmex equipmentVelmex, Inc.0.001 mm precisionwww.velmex.com


  1. Oliver, C., Larson, B. Brief Notice: Forest Stand Dynamics (Update Edition). Forest Science. 42 (3), 397 (1996).
  2. Dickison, W. C. . Integrative Plant Anatomy. Integrative Plant Anatomy. , (2000).
  3. Tree-Ring and Climate. UCAR Center for Science Education....

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DendrochronologyTree ring AnalysisClimate ReconstructionClimate VariabilityPaleoclimateField SamplingLaboratory MethodsData Analysis

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