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Harvesting, Embedding, and Culturing Dorsal Root Ganglia in Multi-compartment Devices to Study Peripheral Neuronal Features

Published: June 28th, 2024



1Department of Biological Systems Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln


The most common peripheral neuronal feature of pain is a lowered stimulation threshold or hypersensitivity of terminal nerves from the dorsal root ganglia (DRG). One proposed cause of this hypersensitivity is associated with the interaction between immune cells in the peripheral tissue and neurons. In vitro models have provided foundational knowledge in understanding how these mechanisms result in nociceptor hypersensitivity. However, in vitro models face the challenge of translating efficacy to humans. To address this challenge, a physiologically and anatomically relevant in vitro model has been developed for the culture of intact dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) in three isolated compartments in a 48-well plate. Primary DRGs are harvested from adult Sprague Dawley rats after humane euthanasia. Excess nerve roots are trimmed, and the DRG is cut into appropriate sizes for culture. DRGs are then grown in natural hydrogels, enabling robust growth in all compartments. This multi-compartment system offers anatomically relevant isolation of the DRG cell bodies from neurites, physiologically relevant cell types, and mechanical properties to study the interactions between neural and immune cells. Thus, this culture platform provides a valuable tool for investigating treatment isolation strategies, ultimately leading to an improved screening approach for predicting pain.

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Keywords Dorsal Root Ganglia

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