Jean-Charles Mariani is a PHD candidate in (M.D. PhD.) Zsolt Lenkei's team at the Paris institute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience (IPNP). After a Bachelor in Saint Louis preparatory school (Mathematics and Computer science) got in ESPCI Paris engineering school after the national examination where he specialised in Physics. In 2018 he received his engineering diploma before graduating from Imperial College London's master of research on Neurotechnology.
If he started at the cellular level doing patch clamp in between Paul Chadderton and Stephen Bricley's teams, studying information transfer through the thalamic nuclei during visual processing, he is now looking at brain activity at the whole brain scale. In IPNP he is developing new tools and model to better understand functional connectivity in awake mice using ultrafast power Doppler imaging. Using the cerebral blood volume at high temporal and spatial resolution the effect of different pharmacological treatments are investigated to understand bettter their interaction with the functional connectome and possibly elicit new psychiatric disease mechanisms and potential therapeutic targets.