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Secure an anesthetized mouse on a stereotaxic frame containing a heating pad to maintain body temperature.
Apply lubricant to prevent the eyes from drying and inject an electrolyte solution subcutaneously to maintain hydration.
Remove the fur from the scalp, disinfect the area, and inject an analgesic subcutaneously to reduce pain.
Make an incision to expose the skull, then clean it to make anatomical landmarks visible for identifying brain regions.
Apply dental adhesive and harden it using a curing light to aid in electrode implantation.
Drill holes above the hippocampus and cerebellum, and mount an electrode assembly using a holder on the stereotaxic frame.
The bipolar electrodes record hippocampal activity, while a reference electrode obtains baseline activity from the cerebellum.
Insert the electrodes, secure the assembly with dental cement, and detach from the holder.
Administer the electrolyte solution and an analgesic again.
Allow the mouse to completely recover before performing electrophysiological recording.