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Secure an anesthetized rat in a stereotaxic frame. Shave and disinfect the scalp, then make an incision to expose the skull.
Drill holes above the olfactory bulb to implant recording electrodes. Drill above the frontal cortex to implant reference electrodes that acquire baseline brain activity signals.
Insert anchor screws around the hippocampus and create a large hole above the region.
Position an integrative micro-drive array with its cannula containing recording electrodes above the hole.
Use a gel-forming solution to secure the array. Apply dental cement that adheres to the anchor screws and provides mechanical stability.
Connect the array to the implanted electrodes for simultaneous recording from multiple brain regions. Insulate the connections to enhance signal quality.
Allow the rat to recover, then advance the array electrodes to contact the brain and let the signals stabilize.
The rat with the implanted electrodes is ready to record electrical signals from the brain.