Coma Science Group,
GIGA Research Center,
Coma Science Group, GIGA-Consciousness, GIGA research center
Dr. Olivia Gosseries is a neuropsychologist, research associate FNRS, and codirector of the Coma Science Group at the GIGA Consciousness. She studies pathological, physiological and pharmacological modifications of consciousness using behavioural assessments and imaging technologies.
Her early work focused on diagnosis and prognosis in patients with disorders of consciousness recovering from coma using non-invasive brain stimulation and electrophysiology. In recent years, she has worked more extensively on therapeutic options for this challenging patients' population.
For three years, she worked at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA) studying sleep and working memory. To study human consciousness more globally, she now also investigates anesthesia, coma memory, lucid dream, meditation, hypnosis, and cognitive trance.
She is associate editor of Clinical Neurophysiology and Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, and consulting editor for the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. She co-edited the book `Neurology of Consciousness' (Elsevier, 2015, 2nd ed), has reviewed articles for numerous scientific journals, supervises PhD students, and organizes several conferences (Coma Day, Human Brain Project conference on consciousness). She has more than 130 publications in international peer-reviewed journals such as Science, Lancet, Lancet Neurology, Annals of Neurology and Brain, and numerous invited talks at international conferences.
Her aim is to continue improving the care of patients who recover from coma, contribute to the understanding of human consciousness, and promoting education and public awareness of this fascinating clinical and research topic.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation in disorders of consciousness.
Reviews in the neurosciences , 2009 | Pubmed ID: 20157993
Visual fixation in the vegetative state: an observational case series PET study.
BMC neurology May, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20504324
Assessment and detection of pain in noncommunicative severely brain-injured patients.
Expert review of neurotherapeutics Nov, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20977329
Assessment of consciousness with electrophysiological and neurological imaging techniques.
Current opinion in critical care Apr, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21206267
Preserved feedforward but impaired top-down processes in the vegetative state.
Science (New York, N.Y.) May, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21566197
Automated EEG entropy measurements in coma, vegetative state/unresponsive wakefulness syndrome and minimally conscious state.
Functional neurology Jan-Mar, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21693085
Electrophysiological correlates of behavioural changes in vigilance in vegetative state and minimally conscious state.
Brain : a journal of neurology Aug, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21841201
Functional neuroanatomy underlying the clinical subcategorization of minimally conscious state patients.
Journal of neurology Jun, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22081100
Recovery of cortical effective connectivity and recovery of consciousness in vegetative patients.
Brain : a journal of neurology Apr, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22226806
Brain connectivity in disorders of consciousness.
Brain connectivity , 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22512333
Thalamus, brainstem and salience network connectivity changes during propofol-induced sedation and unconsciousness.
Brain connectivity , 2013 | Pubmed ID: 23547875
Coma and disorders of consciousness: scientific advances and practical considerations for clinicians.
Seminars in neurology Apr, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 23888393
Changes in effective connectivity by propofol sedation.
PloS one , 2013 | Pubmed ID: 23977030
Amantadine, apomorphine and zolpidem in the treatment of disorders of consciousness.
Current pharmaceutical design , 2014 | Pubmed ID: 24025057
Dynamic change of global and local information processing in propofol-induced loss and recovery of consciousness.
PLoS computational biology , 2013 | Pubmed ID: 24146606
Common resting brain dynamics indicate a possible mechanism underlying zolpidem response in severe brain injury.
eLife Nov, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 24252875
Measuring consciousness in severely damaged brains.
Annual review of neuroscience , 2014 | Pubmed ID: 25002279
Stimulus set meaningfulness and neurophysiological differentiation: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study.
PloS one , 2015 | Pubmed ID: 25970444
Beyond the gaze: Communicating in chronic locked-in syndrome.
Brain injury , 2015 | Pubmed ID: 26182228
Propofol-Induced Frontal Cortex Disconnection: A Study of Resting-State Networks, Total Brain Connectivity, and Mean BOLD Signal Oscillation Frequencies.
Brain connectivity Apr, 2016 | Pubmed ID: 26650183
Consciousness and Complexity during Unresponsiveness Induced by Propofol, Xenon, and Ketamine.
Current biology : CB Dec, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 26752078
Structural brain injury in patients with disorders of consciousness: A voxel-based morphometry study.
Brain injury , 2016 | Pubmed ID: 26890670
Disembodied Mind: Cortical Changes Following Brainstem Injury in Patients with Locked-in Syndrome.
The open neuroimaging journal , 2016 | Pubmed ID: 27347263
The Role of Neuroimaging Techniques in Establishing Diagnosis, Prognosis and Therapy in Disorders of Consciousness.
The open neuroimaging journal , 2016 | Pubmed ID: 27347265
Stratification of unresponsive patients by an independently validated index of brain complexity.
Annals of neurology Nov, 2016 | Pubmed ID: 27717082
Reactivation of latent working memories with transcranial magnetic stimulation.
Science (New York, N.Y.) 12, 2016 | Pubmed ID: 27934762
Sedation of Patients With Disorders of Consciousness During Neuroimaging: Effects on Resting State Functional Brain Connectivity.
Anesthesia and analgesia 02, 2017 | Pubmed ID: 27941576
Controlled clinical trial of repeated prefrontal tDCS in patients with chronic minimally conscious state.
Brain injury , 2017 | Pubmed ID: 28281845
Prevalence of coma-recovery scale-revised signs of consciousness in patients in minimally conscious state.
Neuropsychological rehabilitation Dec, 2018 | Pubmed ID: 28399715
Global structural integrity and effective connectivity in patients with disorders of consciousness.
Brain stimulation Mar - Apr, 2018 | Pubmed ID: 29162503
Transcranial direct current stimulation unveils covert consciousness.
Brain stimulation May - Jun, 2018 | Pubmed ID: 29477507
Resistance to eye opening in patients with disorders of consciousness.
Journal of neurology Jun, 2018 | Pubmed ID: 29623396
Brain, Behavior, and Cognitive Interplay in Disorders of Consciousness: A Multiple Case Study.
Frontiers in neurology , 2018 | Pubmed ID: 30154755
Meditation-induced modulation of brain response to transcranial magnetic stimulation.
Brain stimulation Nov - Dec, 2018 | Pubmed ID: 30205950
Conscious While Being Considered in an Unresponsive Wakefulness Syndrome for 20 Years.
Frontiers in neurology , 2018 | Pubmed ID: 30233480
Evoked Alpha Power is Reduced in Disconnected Consciousness During Sleep and Anesthesia.
Scientific reports 11, 2018 | Pubmed ID: 30413741
Frequent lucid dreaming associated with increased functional connectivity between frontopolar cortex and temporoparietal association areas.
Scientific reports 12, 2018 | Pubmed ID: 30542052
Editorial: Between Theory and Clinic: The Contribution of Neuroimaging in the Field of Consciousness Disorders.
Frontiers in neurology , 2019 | Pubmed ID: 30890996
Cortical reactivations during sleep spindles following declarative learning.
NeuroImage 07, 2019 | Pubmed ID: 30928690
Treating Disorders of Consciousness With Apomorphine: Protocol for a Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial Using Multimodal Assessments.
Frontiers in neurology , 2019 | Pubmed ID: 30941094
Therapeutic interventions in patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness.
The Lancet. Neurology 06, 2019 | Pubmed ID: 31003899
Decreased integration of EEG source-space networks in disorders of consciousness.
NeuroImage. Clinical , 2019 | Pubmed ID: 31063944
Physiological feelings.
Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews 08, 2019 | Pubmed ID: 31125635
A fast and general method to empirically estimate the complexity of brain responses to transcranial and intracranial stimulations.
Brain stimulation Sep - Oct, 2019 | Pubmed ID: 31133480
General Anesthesia: A Probe to Explore Consciousness.
Frontiers in systems neuroscience , 2019 | Pubmed ID: 31474839
Neurophenomenology of near-death experience memory in hypnotic recall: a within-subject EEG study.
Scientific reports Oct, 2019 | Pubmed ID: 31575924
Behavioural and brain responses in cognitive trance: A TMS-EEG case study.
Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology 02, 2020 | Pubmed ID: 31843502
Brain Metabolism but Not Gray Matter Volume Underlies the Presence of Language Function in the Minimally Conscious State (MCS): MCS+ Versus MCS- Neuroimaging Differences.
Neurorehabilitation and neural repair 02, 2020 | Pubmed ID: 31971884
Near-Death Experience as a Probe to Explore (Disconnected) Consciousness.
Trends in cognitive sciences 03, 2020 | Pubmed ID: 31982302
Neuroplastic changes mediate motor recovery with implanted peroneal nerve stimulator in individuals with chronic stroke: an open-label multimodal pilot study.
Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine Feb, 2020 | Pubmed ID: 32061768
Brain-computer interfaces for consciousness assessment and communication in severely brain-injured patients.
Handbook of clinical neurology , 2020 | Pubmed ID: 32164848
Swallowing in individuals with disorders of consciousness: A cohort study.
Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine Jul, 2020 | Pubmed ID: 32535170
Behavioral and electrophysiological effects of network-based frontoparietal tDCS in patients with severe brain injury: A randomized controlled trial.
NeuroImage. Clinical , 2020 | Pubmed ID: 32977212
Transcutaneous Auricular Vagal Nerve Stimulation and Disorders of Consciousness: A Hypothesis for Mechanisms of Action.
Frontiers in neurology , 2020 | Pubmed ID: 32982941
Simplified Evaluation of CONsciousness Disorders (SECONDs) in individuals with severe brain injury: a validation study.
Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine Sep, 2020 | Pubmed ID: 32992025
Decreased Evoked Slow-Activity After tDCS in Disorders of Consciousness.
Frontiers in systems neuroscience , 2020 | Pubmed ID: 33100977
The Near-Death Experience Content (NDE-C) scale: Development and psychometric validation.
Consciousness and cognition 11, 2020 | Pubmed ID: 33227590
Auditory localization should be considered as a sign of minimally conscious state based on multimodal findings.
Brain communications , 2020 | Pubmed ID: 33426527
Leandro R. D. Sanz*,1,2,
Charlène Aubinet*,1,2,
Helena Cassol1,2,
Olivier Bodart1,2,
Sarah Wannez1,2,
Estelle A. C. Bonin1,2,
Alice Barra1,2,
Nicolas Lejeune1,2,3,4,
Charlotte Martial1,2,
Camille Chatelle1,2,
Didier Ledoux5,6,
Steven Laureys1,2,
Aurore Thibaut1,2,
Olivia Gosseries1,2
1Coma Science Group, GIGA-Consciousness, GIGA research center, University of Liège,
2Centre du Cerveau, University Hospital of Liège,
3CHN William Lennox, Groupe Hospitalier Saint-Luc,
4Institute of NeuroScience, UCLouvain,
5Department of Intensive Care, University Hospital of Liège,
6Anesthesia & Intensive Care Laboratory, GIGA-Consciousness, GIGA research center, University of Liège
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