Khurshid Ahmad Bhat

Department of Plant Pathology,

FOA Wadura Sopore,

Department of Plant Pathology, FOA Wadura Sopore

Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir

Dr. Khurshid Ahmad Bhat Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural sciences and technology of Kashmir have done M.Sc (biological control) Under professor Ali Anwar and Ph.D (Post harvest Bacteriology) under Prof. S.D. Masoodi. Prior to joining SKUAST-K, remained JRF as well as SRF and Research Associate for more than three years and also worked with HLH Agriculture Cambodia for a brief time. Qualified ASRB- NET (2014). Presently Teaching bacteriology, Biological control and other courses at Faculty of Agriculture SKUAST-Kashmir From the beginning of his carrier as pathologist the indiscriminate use of agrochemicals always worried caused him worry and thus felt drive to work on alternative technologies like biological, botanical and cultural control since my 08 years of tenure as assistant professor at skuast-Kashmir have developed 11(Eleven) IPR’s. which include Developed a device for controlling Mistletoe in walnut and other trees (patent grant no. 340843 . Developed a low cost semiautomatic fermentor/Bio-reactor in collaboration with an engineer (patent application No.201811027517, Published). Discovered a noval low cost commercial mass multiplication medium for fungal bioagent production (patent application No. 201811008387, Published). Developped an noval fertilizer using aquatic weed of Dal Lake using bacterial fermentation technology (patent application No.201911003321, Published). Developed cost effective general purpose laboratory fungal medium using an aquatic weed extract (patent application no.201911024917). Two efficient fungal bio control fungi submitted under patent deposit of IDA as Tab-1 and Tab-2 (Tab= triple action biocontrol agents, having high “P” solublizing ability, highly antagonistic to diseases causing fungi and resistant/compatable to cu-oxychloride fungicide). Developed (In collaboration with a tissue culture expert) an efficient low cost tissue culture medium using a specie of aquatic weed (Patent application no;202011006729) and also developed 03 novel substrates for production of shiitake Mushroom (Patent application numbers; 202011041960, 202011041961 and 202011041962) Obtained best teachers award of University (SKUAST-K) for 2018-2019. Successfully completed research programme of 05 M. Sc students as major advisor and presently guiding 03 Ph. D and 03 M. Sc student as major/Co-guide. Have so far published 65 publications

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