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Institut Universitaire de France




Implanting Glass Spinal Cord Windows in Adult Mice with Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis
Keith K. Fenrich 1, Pascal Weber 1, Genevieve Rougon 1,2, Franck Debarbieux 1,2
1Developmental Biology Institute of Marseille-Luminy (IBDML), Aix Marseille University, 2Campus de la Timone, European Research Center for Medical Imaging (CERIMED)

We describe a method for implanting and maintaining glass windows over the exposed spinal cords of adult mice for studying experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. These windows provide chronic optical access to the spinal cord for monitoring cell dynamics at the subcellular level in live animals using two-photon microscopy.



An Orthotopic Glioblastoma Mouse Model Maintaining Brain Parenchymal Physical Constraints and Suitable for Intravital Two-photon Microscopy
Clément Ricard 1,2, Fabio Stanchi 1,3, Geneviève Rougon 1,2, Franck Debarbieux 1,2
1Developmental Biology Institute of Marseille, Aix Marseille University, 2European Research Center for Medical Imaging, Campus de la Timone, 3Vesalius Research Center, KU Leuven Campus Gasthuisberg

We have established a cortical orthotopic glioblastoma model in mice for intravital two-photon microscopy that recapitulates the biophysical constraints normally at play during the growth of the tumor. A chronic glass window replacing the skull above the tumor enables the follow-up of the tumor progression over time by two-photon microscopy.



Uncovering Beat Deafness: Detecting Rhythm Disorders with Synchronized Finger Tapping and Perceptual Timing Tasks
Simone Dalla Bella 1,2,3,4, Jakub Sowiński 3
1Movement to Health Laboratory (EuroMov), University of Montpellier, 2Institut Universitaire de France, 3Department of Cognitive Psychology, University of Finance and Management in Warsaw, 4International Laboratory for Brain, Music, and Sound Research (BRAMS)

Behavioral tasks that allow for the assessment of perceptual and sensorimotor timing abilities in the general population (i.e., non-musicians) are presented. Synchronization of finger tapping to the beat of an auditory stimuli and detecting rhythmic irregularities provides a means of uncovering rhythm disorders.



Driving Under the Influence: How Music Listening Affects Driving Behaviors
Jordan Navarro 1,2, François Osiurak 1,2, Vivien Gaujoux 1, Marie Claude Ouimet 3, Emanuelle Reynaud 1
1Laboratoire d'Etude des Mécanismes Cognitifs (EA 3082), University Lyon 2, 2Institut Universitaire de France, 3Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé, Université de Sherbrooke

Here, we present a protocol to assess driving behaviors while following a vehicle in a simulated driving environment. The presented protocol is used to compare the impact of different auditory backgrounds on driving behaviors.


Cancer Research

Flexible Organic Electronic Devices for Pulsed Electric Field Therapy of Glioblastoma
Marie C. Lefevre 1, Attila Kaszas 1, Gerwin Dijk 1,2, Martin Baca 1, Olivier Baudino 2, Bastien Marchiori 2, Loig Kergoat 2, David Moreau 1, Franck Debarbieux 3,4,5, Rodney P. O'Connor 1
1Centre CMP, Bioelectronics Department, Mines Saint-Etienne, 2Panaxium SAS, 3Institut Universitaire de France, 4Institut des Neurosciences de la Timone (UMR7289), CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université, 5Centre Européen de Recherche en Imagerie Médicale, Aix-Marseille Université

This work describes the development of flexible interdigitated electrodes for implementation in 3D brain tumor models, namely, in vitro culture, in ovo model, and in vivo murine model. The proposed method can be used to evaluate the effects of pulsed electric fields on tumors at different levels of complexity.

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