Begin by mixing and aliquoting 90 to 120 microliters of the formaldehyde crosslinked C.Elegans samples into a polystyrene sonication tube. Add an equal volume of resuspension buffer containing 2X detergents. Sonicate in a water bath sonicator for seven minutes.
Gently mix the sample by pipetting and repeat the sonication for an additional seven minutes. Once done, transfer the sonicated lysate to a 1.5 milliliter tube. Add a half volume of resuspension buffer without detergents.
After centrifugation at 13, 000 G for 15 minutes at four degrees Celsius, divide the lysate supernatant into four parts. Store the input lysate part at minus 20 degrees Celsius in a 1.5 milliliter tube. Add 0.5 micrograms of anti-H3K9 trimethylation, anti-histone H3 or IgG to the appropriate immunoprecipitation or IP sample.
Incubate the reaction at four degrees Celsius overnight with rotation. The following day, aliquot the nine microliters of protein G coated magnetic beads per IP sample in a 1.5 milliliter tube. After two washes with one milliliter of FA-150, resuspend the magnetic beads in the FA-150 buffer.
Once done, add 7.5 microliters of the magnetic bead suspension to each IP antibody mix before incubating the tubes at four degrees Celsius for two hours with rotation. Next, wash the magnetic beads seven times using at least 200 microliters of each buffer solution. Incubate each wash at four degrees Celsius for five minutes with rotation before collecting the beads on a magnetic stand to aspirate the wash.
After aspirating the last wash of the buffer, resuspend the magnetic beads in 50 microliters of chromatin IP elution buffer, and transfer it to a 1.5 milliliter tube. After eluting the sample in a ThermoMixer, collect the beads on a magnetic stand and transfer the supernatant to a new tube. Repeat the elution with another 50 microliters of chromatin immunoprecipitation elution buffer.
Once done, pull a total of 100 microliters of supernatant before proceeding with reverse cross-linking and DNA elution.