National Exposure Research Laboratory
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A waterborne outbreak of Norwalk-like virus among snowmobilers-Wyoming, 2001.
The Journal of infectious diseases Jan, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 12552455
A multiplex reverse transcription-PCR method for detection of human enteric viruses in groundwater.
Applied and environmental microbiology Jun, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 12788711
Waterborne outbreak of gastroenteritis associated with a norovirus.
Applied and environmental microbiology Sep, 2003 | Pubmed ID: 12957912
Development of an astrovirus RT-PCR detection assay for use with conventional, real-time, and integrated cell culture/RT-PCR.
Canadian journal of microbiology Apr, 2004 | Pubmed ID: 15213751
Development of homologous viral internal controls for use in RT-PCR assays of waterborne enteric viruses.
Journal of virological methods Oct, 2004 | Pubmed ID: 15350731
Detection of human enteric viruses in stream water with RT-PCR and cell culture.
Journal of water and health Mar, 2004 | Pubmed ID: 15384728
Development and evaluation of a generic tag array to detect and genotype noroviruses in water.
Journal of virological methods Mar, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 18471900
New electropositive filter for concentrating enteroviruses and noroviruses from large volumes of water.
Applied and environmental microbiology Apr, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19218410
Viruses and bacteria in karst and fractured rock aquifers in East Tennessee, USA.
Ground water Jan-Feb, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 20331750
Use of propidium monoazide in reverse transcriptase PCR to distinguish between infectious and noninfectious enteric viruses in water samples.
Applied and environmental microbiology Jul, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 20472736
Development of a multiplex microsphere immunoassay for the quantitation of salivary antibody responses to selected waterborne pathogens.
Journal of immunological methods Feb, 2011 | Pubmed ID: 21093445
Evaluation of the celite secondary concentration procedure and an alternate elution buffer for the recovery of enteric adenoviruses 40 and 41.
Journal of virological methods Feb, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22138439
Development and evaluation of EPA method 1615 for detection of enterovirus and norovirus in water.
Applied and environmental microbiology Jan, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 23087037
Differential decay of enterococci and Escherichia coli originating from two fecal pollution sources.
Applied and environmental microbiology Apr, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 23377944
Comparison of nucleic acid extraction and reverse transcription-qPCR approaches for detection of GI and GII noroviruses in drinking water.
Journal of virological methods Apr, 2014 | Pubmed ID: 24462844
Biotic interactions and sunlight affect persistence of fecal indicator bacteria and microbial source tracking genetic markers in the upper Mississippi river.
Applied and environmental microbiology Jul, 2014 | Pubmed ID: 24747902
Propidium Monoazide Reverse Transcriptase PCR and RT-qPCR for Detecting Infectious Enterovirus and Norovirus.
Journal of virological methods Mar, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 25796356
Applicability of integrated cell culture quantitative PCR (ICC-qPCR) for the detection of infectious adenovirus type 2 in UV disinfection studies.
Journal of environmental science and health. Part A, Toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering , 2015 | Pubmed ID: 26030683
Statistical approaches to developing a multiplex immunoassay for determining human exposure to environmental pathogens.
Journal of immunological methods Oct, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 26070441
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