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Dialogue between RhoA/ROCK and members of the Par complex in cell polarity.
Developmental cell Feb, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18267081
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A rapid and scalable system for studying gene function in mice using conditional RNA interference.
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Effectors and potential targets selectively upregulated in human KRAS-mutant lung adenocarcinomas.
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TGF-β reduces DNA ds-break repair mechanisms to heighten genetic diversity and adaptability of CD44+/CD24- cancer cells.
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The Evolution of Mutations: From Loss-of-Function to Separation-of-Function Mutants.
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The nuclear transport receptor Importin-11 is a tumor suppressor that maintains PTEN protein.
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Rapid and tunable method to temporally control gene editing based on conditional Cas9 stabilization.
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An epigenetic switch regulates the ontogeny of AXL-positive/EGFR-TKi-resistant cells by modulating miR-335 expression.
eLife Jul, 2021 | Pubmed ID: 34254585
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Polona Šafarič Tepeš1,2,
Raffaella Sordella1
1, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory,
2Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ljubljana
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