Patients implanted with intracranial electrodes provide a unique opportunity to record neurological data from multiple areas of the brain while the patient performs behavioral tasks. Here, we present a method of recording from implanted patients that can be reproducible at other institutions with access to this patient population.
Stereo-electroencephalography (SEEG) aids in localization of epileptogenic zones, however, remains relatively underutilized in the United States. The goal of this abstract is to provide a brief introduction to the technique of SEEG and further a detailed technique of using robotic assistance in the placement of SEEG electrodes.
Here, we present a detailed protocol for identifying homologous recombination events that occurred in mouse embryonic stem cells using Southern blotting and/or PCR. This method is exemplified by the generation of nonmuscle myosin II genetic replacement mouse models using traditional embryonic stem cell-based homologous recombination-mediated targeting technology.
This manuscript describes the synthesis of a single-wall carbon nanotube (SWCNT)-conjugated MALAT1 antisense gapmer DNA oligonucleotide (SWCNT-anti-MALAT1), which demonstrates the reliable delivery of the SWCNT and the potent therapeutic effect of anti-MALAT1 in vitro and in vivo. Methods used for synthesis, modification, conjugation, and injection of SWCNT-anti-MALAT1 are described.
Here we present a protocol which characterizes the sense of agency developed over the control of sensate virtual or robotic prosthetic hands. Psychophysical questionnaires are employed to capture the explicit experience of agency, and time interval estimates (intentional binding) are employed to implicitly measure the sense of agency.
A multidisciplinary carepath to standardize disparate concussion care was developed and implemented at the Cleveland Clinic. The Cleveland Clinic Concussion (C3) mobile application was used to enable the carepath through biomechanical outcomes characterizing cognitive and motor function. Patient outcomes improved while cost of care was reduced following implementation.
Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory demyelinating disease with no cure. Analysis of brain tissue provides important clues to understanding the pathogenesis of the disease. Here we discuss the methodology and downstream analysis of MS brain tissue collected through a unique rapid autopsy program in operation at the Cleveland Clinic.
Clinical linear accelerators can be used to determine biologic effects of a wide range of dose rates on cancer cells. We discuss how to set up a linear accelerator for cell-based assays and assays for cancer stem-like cells grown as tumorspheres in suspension and cell lines grown as adherent cultures.
This protocol describes the generation of a long-lived self-renewing monolayer culture system for mouse colonic stem cells that contains all major epithelial cell types. This culture system can be used to study epithelial biology, intestinal wound repair, and host-pathogen interactions.
Many rodent models of endometriosis are limited by technical complexity, reproducibility, and/or need for immunocompromised animals or special reporter mice. We present a simplified system of lesion induction using any experimental mouse with an independently verifiable, objective scoring system and with no requirement for ovariectomy or survival surgery.
The protocol for conducting fNIRS hyperscanning experiments on collaborative learning dyads in a naturalistic learning environment is outlined. Further, a pipeline to analyze the Inter-Brain Synchrony (IBS) of oxygenated hemoglobin (Oxy-Hb) signals is presented.
The dynamics between coupled brains of individuals have been increasingly represented by inter-brain synchronization (IBS) when they coordinate with each other, mostly using simultaneous-recording signals of brains (namely hyperscanning) with fNIRS. In fNIRS hyperscanning studies, IBS has been commonly assessed through the wavelet transform coherence (WTC) method because of its advantage on expanding time series into time-frequency space where oscillations can be seen in a highly intuitive way. The observed IBS can be further validated via the permutation-based random pairing of the trial, partner, and condition. Here, a protocol is presented to describe how to obtain brain signals via fNIRS technology, calculate IBS through the WTC method, and validate IBS by permutation in a hyperscanning study. Further, we discuss the critical issues when using the above methods, including the choice of fNIRS signals, methods of data preprocessing, and optional parameters of computations. In summary, using the WTC method and permutation is a potentially standard pipeline for analyzing IBS in fNIRS hyperscanning studies, contributing to both the reproducibility and reliability of IBS.
Bacteria secrete nanometer-sized extracellular vesicles (EVs) carrying bioactive biological molecules. EV research focuses on understanding their biogenesis, role in microbe-microbe and host-microbe interactions and disease, as well as their potential therapeutic applications. A workflow for scalable isolation of EVs from various bacteria is presented to facilitate standardization of EV research.
Here, we describe a method of generating glioblastoma (GBM) organoids from primary patient specimens or patient-derived cell cultures and maintaining them to maturity. These GBM organoids contain phenotypically diverse cell populations and recreate tumor microenvironments ex vivo.
Virtual reality (VR) is a powerful yet underutilized approach to advance the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disease. The Cleveland Clinic Virtual Reality Shopping platform combines state-of-the-art VR content with an omnidirectional treadmill to quantify instrumental activities of daily living-a proposed prodromal marker of neurological disease.
This article details simultaneous electroencephalogram and functional magnetic resonance imaging (EEG-fMRI) recording procedures that can be used in both clinical and research settings. EEG processing procedures to remove imaging artifacts for clinical review are also included. This study focuses on the example of epilepsy during the interictal period.
Retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) acts as a crucial barrier between the choroid and retina, promoting the health and function of retinal cell types, such as photoreceptors. Herein, we describe a simple and effective protocol for isolating and culturing adult murine RPE.
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