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The following study evaluates the toxicological profile of a selected metal-organic framework utilizing electric cell-substrate impedance sensing (ECIS), a real-time, high-throughput screening technique.


Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are hybrids formed through the coordination of metal ions and organic linkers in organic solvents. The implementation of MOFs in biomedical and industrial applications has led to concerns regarding their safety. Herein, the profile of a selected MOF, a zeolitic imidazole framework, was evaluated upon exposure to human lung epithelial cells. The platform for evaluation was a real-time technique (i.e., electric cell-substrate impedance sensing [ECIS]). This study identifies and discusses some of the deleterious effects of the selected MOF on the exposed cells. Furthermore, this study demonstrates the benefits of using the real-time method versus other biochemical assays for comprehensive cell evaluations. The study concludes that observed changes in cell behavior could hint at possible toxicity induced upon exposure to MOFs of different physicochemical characteristics and the dosage of those frameworks being used. By understanding changes in cell behavior, one foresees the ability to improve safe-by-design strategies of MOFs to be used for biomedical applications by specifically tailoring their physicochemical characteristics.


Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are hybrids formed through the combination of metal ions and organic linkers1,2 in organic solvents. Due to the variety of such combinations, MOFs possess structural diversity3, tunable porosity, high thermal stability, and high surface areas4,5. Such characteristics make them attractive candidates in a variety of applications, from gas storage6,7 to catalysis8,9, and from contrast....


1. ZIF-8 synthesis

  1. For the purpose of this example, use a 1:10:100 (metal:linker:solvent) mass ratio to synthesize the ZIF-8. For this, measure out zinc nitrate hexahydrate, and record the measurement. Utilize the example mass ratio to calculate the amount needed for the linker, 2-methylimidazole, and the solvent (i.e., methanol).
  2. Place the zinc nitrate hexahydrate and linker into two different glass vials. Add half of the calculated amount of methanol to the zinc nitrate hexahydrate and the other half to the linker. Allow each solution to dissolve.
  3. Combine the two solutions (i.e., solutions containing the metal and lin....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

Using a common in vitro model cell line39 (BEAS-2B), this study aimed to demonstrate the feasibility and applicability of ECIS to assess changes in cell behavior upon exposure to a lab-synthesized MOF. These changes assessment was complemented by analysis through conventional colorimetric assays.

The physicochemical characteristics of the framework were first evaluated to ensure the reproducibility of the methods employed, the validity of the obtained.......


Previous analysis showed that ECIS could be used to assess the behavior of cells exposed to analytes (i.e., carbon nanotubes35, drugs43, or nanoclays16). Furthermore, Stueckle et al. used ECIS to evaluate the toxicity of BEAS-2B cells exposed to nanoclays and their byproducts and found that the cellular behavior and attachment were dependent on the physicochemical characteristics of such materials42. Herein, we proposed to det.......


The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.


This work was funded in part by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) T32 program (T32 GM133369) and the National Science Foundation (NSF 1454230). Additionally, WVU Shared Research Facilities and Applied Biophysics assistance and support are acknowledged.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
 4-[3-(4-idophenyl)-2-(4-nitrophenyl)-2H-5-tetrazolio]-1,3-benzene disulfonate (WST-1 assay) Roche5015944001
0.25% Trypsin-EDTA (1x)Gibco25255-056
100 mm platesCorning430167
1300 Series A2 biofume hoodThermo Scientific323TS
2510 Branson bath sonicatorProcess Equipment & Supply, Inc. 251OR-DTH
2-methylimidazole, 97%Alfa Aesar693-98-1
5 mL sterile microtubeArgos TechnologiesT2076S-CA
50 mL  tubes Falcon352098
96W10idf well platesApplied Biophysics 96W10idf PET
96-well platesFisherbrandFB012931
Countess cell counting chamber slidesInvitrogenC10283
Countess II FL automated cell counterLife TechnologiesC0916-186A-0303
Denton Desk V sputter and carbon coaterDenton VacuumN/A
Dimethly sulfoxide Corning25-950-CQC
Dulbecco's modified Eagle mediumCorning10-014-CV
ECIS-ZΘApplied Biophysics ABP 1129
ExcelMicrosoftVersion 2301
Falcon tubes (15 mL)Corning352196
Fetal bovine serumGibco16140-071
FLUOstar OPTIMA plate readerBMG LABTECH413-2132
GraphPad Prism Software (9.0.0)GraphPad Software, LLCVersion 9.0.0
HERAcell 150i CO2 IncubatorThermo Scientific50116047
Hitachi S-4700 Field emission scanning electron microscope equipped with energy dispersive X-ray Hitachi High-Technologies CorporationS4700 and EDAX TEAM analysis software
ImageJ softwareNational Institutes of HealthN/A
Immortalized human bronchial epithelial cellsAmerican Type Culture CollectionCRL-9609
Isotemp freezerFisher Scientific 
Methanol, 99%Fisher Chemical67-56-1
Parafilm sealing filmThe Lab DepotHS234526A
Sorvall Legend X1R Centrifuge Thermo Scientific75004220
Sorvall T 6000BDU PONT T6000B
Trypan blue, 0.4% solution in PBSMP Biomedicals, LLC1691049
Vacuum ChamberBelart999320237
Zinc Nitrate Hexahydrate, 98% extra pureAcros Organic101-96-18-9


  1. Tamames-Tabar, C., et al. Cytotoxicity of nanoscaled metal-organic frameworks. Journal of Materials Chemistry. B. 2 (3), 262-271 (2014).
  2. Lin, W. X., et al. Low cytotoxic metal-organic frameworks as temperature-responsive d....

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Metal organic FrameworksMOFsElectric Cell substrate Impedance SensingECISHuman Lung Epithelial CellsToxicological ProfileReal time MonitoringHigh throughputNanomaterialsSafetyBiomedical Applications

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