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The protocol elucidates two distinct decellularization methodologies applied to native bovine pulmonary tissues, providing a comprehensive account of their respective characterizations.


The use of extracellular matrix (ECM)-derived hydrogels in tissue engineering has become increasingly popular, as they can mimic cells' natural environment in vitro. However, maintaining the native biochemical content of the ECM, achieving mechanical stability, and comprehending the impact of the decellularization process on the mechanical properties of the ECM hydrogels are challenging. Here, a pipeline for decellularization of bovine lung tissue using two different protocols, downstream characterization of the effectiveness of decellularization, fabrication of reconstituted decellularized lung ECM hydrogels and assessment of their mechanical and cytocompatibility properties were described. Decellularization of the bovine lung was pursued using a physical (freeze-thaw cycles) or chemical (detergent-based) method. Hematoxylin and Eosin staining was performed to validate the decellularization and retention of major ECM components. For the evaluation of residual collagen and sulfated glycosaminoglycan (sGAG) content within the decellularized samples, Sirius red and Alcian blue staining techniques were employed, respectively. Mechanical properties of the decellularized lung ECM hydrogels were characterized by oscillatory rheology. The results suggest that decellularized bovine lung hydrogels can provide a reliable organotypic alternative to commercial ECM products by retaining most native ECM components. Furthermore, these findings reveal that the decellularization method of choice significantly affects gelation kinetics as well as the stiffness and viscoelastic properties of resulting hydrogels.


Conventional monolayer culture conditions do not offer a faithful representation of native tissue microenvironments and lack the ability to provide a three-dimensional (3D) scaffold with instructive ligands that enable cell-matrix and cell-cell interactions1. Extracellular matrix (ECM) composition and mechanical properties are highly tissue-specific, time-dependent, and undergo alterations in pathological conditions. Therefore, there is a need for biomimetic 3D tissue models that allow tunability of such characteristics, modulation of cellular behavior, and achieving desired tissue functionality. Native ECM-derived biomaterials draw much attent....


Fresh native lungs from young (1-2 years old) bovine donors were obtained from a local slaughterhouse and transported in a sealed plastic container on ice to the laboratory. Animal sacrifice is performed for general meat consumption (lungs discarded as waste) and is not related to or due to the study. We confirm that the slaughterhouse complies with the national laws and regulations of animal sacrifice. Furthermore, we confirm that we only used waste material and the research project did not have an effect on the number of animals sacrificed.

1. Harvest of organs and tissue preparation

  1. Store freshly obtained bov....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

Decellularization of bovine lung tissue to produce dECM hydrogels that would recapitulate the native lung microenvironment has been achieved by both physical (freeze-thaw) and chemical (Triton-X-100) methods. After dissection, tissue pieces were washed in dH2O-containing antibiotics to remove pathogens that can later affect the sterility of the dECM hydrogels. A total of five cycles alternating between liquid nitrogen to 37 °C water bath was applied for the freeze-.......


Organ-derived hydrogels have become promising models that recapitulate the native tissue ECM and mimic organotypic cellular function. Although decellularized lung ECM has often been used in tissue engineering, a thorough characterization of biomaterial composition and mechanical properties will benefit a better understanding of how cell-ECM interactions can be modulated for modeling biological processes during homeostasis or disease. Particularly, assessment and control of mechanical properties of reconstituted hydrogels.......


All authors declare no competing financial interests.


This work was funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) (Grant No. 118C238). The entire responsibility of the publication/paper belongs to the owner of the publication. The financial support received from TÜBİTAK does not mean that the content of the publication is approved in a scientific sense by TÜBİTAK. The authors gratefully acknowledge the use of services and facilities of Koç University Research Center for Translational Medicine (KUTTAM). Figure 1 and Figure 2a were created using Biorender.com.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Absolute ethanolISOLAB64-17-5
Acetic acidISOLAB64-19-7
Alcian blue solutionSigma-AldrichB8438
Deoxyribonuclease I from bovine pancreasSigma-AldrichDN25
Discovery HR-2 rheometerTA Instruments
Entellan mounting mediumMerck107960
Eosin solutionBright-slide2.BS01-105-1000
FormaldehydeElectron Microscopy Sciences50-980-485
Hydrochloric acidMerck100317
Magnesium chlorideSigma-Aldrich7786-30-3
Mayer's haematoxylin staining solutionMerck2.BS01-103-1000
O.C.T compoundTissue-Tek4583
Pepsin from porcine gastric mucosaSigma-AldrichP6887
Picric acidPolysciences88-89-1
Sirius RedPolysciences09400-25
Sodium hydroxideSigma-AldrichS5881
Sucrose Sigma-AldrichS0389


  1. Zhu, X., et al. Ordered micropattern arrays fabricated by lung-derived dECM hydrogels for chemotherapeutic drug screening. Mater Today Bio. 15, 100274 (2022).
  2. Ulldemolins, A., et al.

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Decellularized Lung Extracellular MatrixECM HydrogelsTissue EngineeringDecellularizationBovine Lung TissueMechanical PropertiesCytocompatibilityCollagenSulfated GlycosaminoglycansOscillatory Rheology

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