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We present a custom experimental platform and tissue culture protocol that recreates fibrocartilaginous change driven by impingement of the Achilles tendon insertion in murine hind limb explants with sustained cell viability, providing a model suitable for exploring the mechanobiology of tendon impingement.


Tendon impingement upon bone generates a multiaxial mechanical strain environment with markedly elevated transverse compressive strain, which elicits a localized fibrocartilage phenotype characterized by accumulation of glycosaminoglycan (GAG)-rich matrix and remodeling of the collagen network. While fibrocartilage is a normal feature in impinged regions of healthy tendons, excess GAG deposition and disorganization of the collagen network are hallmark features of tendinopathy. Accordingly, impingement is clinically recognized as an important extrinsic factor in the initiation and progression of tendinopathy. Nevertheless, the mechanobiology underlying tendon impingement remains understudied. Prior efforts to elucidate the cellular response to tendon impingement have applied uniaxial compression to cells and excised tendon explants in vitro. However, isolated cells lack a three-dimensional extracellular environment crucial to mechanoresponse, and both in vitro and excised explant studies fail to recapitulate the multiaxial strain environment generated by tendon impingement in vivo, which depends on anatomical features of the impinged region. Moreover, in vivo models of tendon impingement lack control over the mechanical strain environment. To overcome these limitations, we present a novel murine hind limb explant model suitable for studying the mechanobiology of Achilles tendon impingement. This model maintains the Achilles tendon in situ to preserve local anatomy and reproduces the multiaxial strain environment generated by impingement of the Achilles tendon insertion upon the calcaneus during passively applied ankle dorsiflexion while retaining cells within their native environment. We describe a tissue culture protocol integral to this model and present data establishing sustained explant viability over 7 days. The representative results demonstrate enhanced histological GAG staining and decreased collagen fiber alignment secondary to impingement, suggesting elevated fibrocartilage formation. This model can easily be adapted to investigate different mechanical loading regimens and allows for the manipulation of molecular pathways of interest to identify mechanisms mediating phenotypic change in the Achilles tendon in response to impingement.


A multitude of tendons, including the Achilles tendon and rotator cuff tendons, experience bony impingement due to normal anatomical positioning1,2,3,4. Tendon impingement generates compressive strain directed transversely to the longitudinal fiber axis5,6,7. Regions of tendon impingement demonstrate a unique fibrocartilage phenotype in which shrunken, round cells (fibrochondrocytes) are embedded within a disorganized collagen network with markedly ....


All animal work was approved by the University of Rochester Committee on Animal Resources.

1. Preparation of tissue culture media

  1. Culture all explants in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (1x DMEM) with 1% v/v penicillin-streptomycin and 200 µM L-ascorbic acid in an incubator at 37 °C and 5% CO2. For the initial 48 h pretreatment, culture each explant in 70 mL of culture media supplemented with 100 nM dexamethasone74. After pretreatment, culture limbs for 7 more days without dexamethasone, changing media every 48-72 h.
    NOTE: Addition of serum, such as f....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

Representative images of TUNEL stained tissue sections demonstrate minimal apoptotic nuclei within the body of the Achilles tendon after 7 days of explant culture across experimental groups (Figure 2A). Quantification of these images provides evidence that the tissue culture protocol maintains up to 78% viability on average within the Achilles tendon after 7 days of explant culture across loading conditions (Figure 2B).



The experimental murine hind limb explant platform paired with the tissue culture protocol described in this study provide a suitable model for studying the mechanobiology of impingement-driven fibrocartilage formation at the Achilles tendon insertion. The utility of this explant model is demonstrated by the representative results, which indicate maintenance of cell viability concomitant with significant and spatially heterogeneous change in Toluidine blue staining after 7 days of static impingement. These findings sugge.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors are grateful for support and assistance provided by Jeff Fox and Vidya Venkatramani of the University of Rochester Center for Musculoskeletal Research's Histology, Biochemistry, and Molecular Imaging (HBMI) Core, funded in part by P30AR06965. Additionally, the authors would like to thank the Center for Light Microscopy and Nanoscopy (CALMN) at the University of Rochester Medical Center for assistance with multiphoton microscopy. This study was funded by R01 AR070765 and R01 AR070765-04S1, as well as 1R35GM147054 and 1R01AR082349.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Absorbent underpadsVWR82020-845For benchtop dissection
Acrylic bathSource OneX001G46CB1Contains the explant platform submerged in culture media
Autoclave binThermo Scientific13-361-20Used as secondary containment, holds two platforms
Base--3D printed from CAD files provided as Supplementary Files
Braided lineKastKing30lb testUsed to wrap around paw and apply ankle dorsiflexion
Clip--3D printed from CAD files provided as Supplementary Files
Cover glassFisherbrand12-541-034Rectangular, No. 2, 50 mm x 24 mm
Cytoseal XYLVWR8312-4Xylene-based mounting media for coverslipping Toluidine blue stained tissue sections
DexamethasoneMP Biomedical LLC194561CAS#50-02-2
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), anhydrousInvitrogen by ThermoFisherD12345CAS#67-68-5, use to solubilize dexamethasone into concentrated stock solutions
Double-sided tapeScotch Brand34-8724-5195-9To attach sandpaper to Grip platens
Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (1X DMEM)Gibco by ThermoFisher11965092high glucose, (-) pyruvate, (+) glutamine
EDTA tetrasodium salt dihydrateThermo Scientific ChemicalsJ15700.A1CAS#10378-23-1, used to make 14% EDTA solution for sample decalcifcation
Ethanol, 200 proofThermo ScientificT038181000CAS#64-17-5, 1 L supply
Foam biopsy padsLeica3801000Used with processing cassettes, help hold ankle joints in desired position during fixation and decalcification
Forceps, #SS Standard InoxDumont11203-23Straight, smooth, fine tips
Forceps, Micro-Adson 4.75"Fisherbrand13-820-073Straight, fine tips with serrated teeth
Garnet Sandpaper, 50-D GritNortonM600060 01518Or other coarse grit sandpaper
Glacial acetic acidFisher ChemicalA38S-500CAS#64-19-7, for adjusting pH of sodium acetate buffer used for Toluidine blue histology, as well as 14% EDTA decalcification solution
GripsADMETGV-100NT-A4Stainless steel vice grips, screws and springs described in the protocol are included
Histobond Adhesive Microscope SlidesVWR16005-108Sagittal sections of hind limbs explants reliably adhere to these slides through all staining protocols
In situ Cell Death Detection Kit, TMR RedRoche12156792910TUNEL assay
Labeling tapeFisherbrand15-959Or any other labeling tape of preference
L-ascorbic acidSigma-AldrichA4544-100GCAS#50-81-7, for culture media formulation
Neutral buffered formalin, 10%Leica3800600For sample fixation, 5 gallon supply
Nunc petri dishesSigma-AldrichP7741-1CS100 mm diameter x 25 mm height, maintain explants submerged in 70 mL of culture media as described in protocol
Penicillin-streptomycin (100X)Gibco by ThermoFisher15140122Add 5 mL to 500 mL 1X DMEM for 1% v/v (1X) working concentration
Polylactic acid (PLA) 1.75 mm filamentHatchbox-Choose filament diameter compatible with your 3D printer extruder, in color of choice.
Processing cassettesLeica3802631For fixation, decalcification and paraffin embedding
Prolong Gold Antifade Reagent with DAPIInvitrogen by ThermoFisherP36931Mounting media for coverslipping tissue sections after TUNEL
Proteinase KFisher BioReagentsBP1700-50CAS#39450-01-6, used for antigen retrieval in TUNEL protocol
Scissors, FineFST14094-11Straight, sharp
Slide Staining Set, 12-placeMercedes Scientific MER 1011Rack with 12 stain dishes and slide dippers for Toluidine blue histology
Sodium acetate, anhydrousThermo Scientific ChemicalsA1318430CAS#127-09-3, used to make buffer for Toluidine blue histology
Tissue-Tek Accu-Edge Low Profile Microtome BladesVWR25608-964For paraffin sectioning
Toluidine Blue OThermo Scientific Chemicals348601000CAS#92-31-9
Volume Reduction Insert--3D printed from CAD files provided as Supplementary Files
XylenesLeica38036654 gallon supply for histological staining


  1. Cook, J. L., Purdam, C. Is compressive load a factor in the development of tendinopathy. Br J Sports Med. 46 (3), 163-168 (2012).
  2. Benjamin, M., Qin, S., Ralphs, J. R. Fibrocartilage associated with human tendons and their pull....

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Murine Hind LimbExplant ModelMechanobiologyAchilles Tendon ImpingementMultiaxial Mechanical StrainFibrocartilageTendinopathyIn Vitro ModelIn Vivo ModelExtracellular MatrixGlycosaminoglycan GAGCollagen Network

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