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We present an automated method for characterizing the effective elastic modulus of an ocular lens using a compression test.


The biomechanical properties of the ocular lens are essential to its function as a variable power optical element. These properties change dramatically with age in the human lens, resulting in a loss of near vision called presbyopia. However, the mechanisms of these changes remain unknown. Lens compression offers a relatively simple method for assessing the lens' biomechanical stiffness in a qualitative sense and, when coupled with appropriate analytical techniques, can help quantify biomechanical properties. A variety of lens compression tests have been performed to date, including both manual and automated, but these methods inconsistently apply key aspects of biomechanical testing such as preconditioning, loading rates, and time between measurements. This paper describes a fully automated lens compression test wherein a motorized stage is synchronized with a camera to capture the force, displacement, and shape of the lens throughout a preprogrammed loading protocol. A characteristic elastic modulus may then be calculated from these data. While demonstrated here using porcine lenses, the approach is appropriate for the compression of lenses of any species.


The lens is the transparent and flexible organ found in the eye that allows it to focus on different distances by changing its refractive power. This ability is known as accommodation. The refractive power is altered due to the contraction and relaxation of the ciliary muscle. When the ciliary muscle contracts, the lens thickens and moves forward, increasing its refractive power1,2. The increase in refractive power allows the lens to focus on nearby objects. As humans age, the lens becomes stiffer and this ability to accommodate is gradually lost; this condition is known as presbyopia. The mechanism of stiffen....


Pig eyes were obtained from a local abattoir. No ethical committee approvals were required.

1. Lens dissection (Figure 1)

  1. Remove all the surrounding tissue from the pig eyes and excess flesh from the sclera, until only the optic nerve remains. Use curved forceps and small dissection scissors to complete this process. Use the nerve as an anchor to hold the eye during dissection.
  2. Using a scalpel, make a short circumferential cut at the limbus, then another at the equator.
    NOTE: This step is performed in this order to avoid damaging the lens and capsul....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

Six porcine lenses were compressed, first with the capsule intact, then after careful removal of the capsule. Thickness values were 7.65 ± 0.43 mm for encapsulated lenses and 6.69 ± 0.29 mm for decapsulated lenses (mean ± standard deviation). A typical loading history is shown in Figure 3. The resulting force-displacement curves were well-fitted by the Hertz model (i.e., they had a force proportional to the displacement raised to the power of 1.5; Figure 4.......


Lens compression is a versatile method for estimating lens stiffness. The procedures described above allow comparison between lenses of different species and different sizes. All deformations are normalized against lens size, and the calculation of the elastic modulus approximately accounts for lens size. The effective modulus is considerably higher than the modulus reported previously for the porcine lens4,7,11,


The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.


Supported by National Institutes of Health grant R01 EY035278 (MR).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Curved Medium Point General Purpose ForcepsFisherbrand16-100-110
Galil COM LibrariesGalil Motion Control
High Precision Scalpel Handle Fisherbrand12-000-164
Linear StageMcMaster-Carr6734K4 0.125"
Load CellFUTEKLSB200-FSH03869
Load Cell AmplifierFUTEKIAA300-FSH03931
MATLABThe Mathworks, Inc.
MicroprobeSurgical Design 22-079-740
Miniature Self Opening Precision Scissors Excelta 63042-004
Motion ControllerGalil Motion ControlDMC-31012
MotorGalil Motion ControlBLM-N23-50-1000-B
Straight Hemastats Fine Science NC9247203stainless steel, 14cm 


  1. Gullstrand, A. Helmholtz's treatise on physiological optics. translated edn. The Optical Society of America. , (1924).
  2. Helmholtz, H. Uber die akkommodation des auges. Arch Ophthalmol. 1, 1-74 (1855).
  3. Burd, H. J.....

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Automated Compression TestingOcular LensLens StiffnessPresbyopiaBiomechanical PropertiesViscoelastic MaterialLens Compression TestMotorized StageForceDisplacementLens ShapeElastic Modulus

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