Begin by preparing the ear plasters for ear plaster therapy. To do so, cut a medical adhesive tape into squares, each measuring 0.6 by 0.6 square centimeters. Then position one or two smooth cow herb seeds at the center of each tape square.
Next, instruct the patient to assume a comfortable seated position. Examine the skin on the patient's ear to ensure that it is intact and free from any abnormalities before selecting the acupoints. To locate the potential acupoints, stabilize the ear oracle by pinching and lifting the ear helix backward and upward using the thumb and index finger of one hand, making sure the area is fully exposed.
Then, using the sterile probe in the other hand, gently examine the patient's ear to identify sensitive pressure points near the six auricular points. The stomach or CO4, cardia or CO3, belly or AH8, shenmen or TF4, subcortex or AT4, and liver or CO12.