To begin the mass spectrometer, or MS calibration for LC-TIMS-TOF-MS/MS, open the TIMS control software, and under the calibration sub-tab, click on m/z, select tuning mix from the Dropbox, and click calibrate at the bottom right corner. Continue to click calibrate until a score of 100%is achieved. Now select the mobility tab, and follow the same steps as demonstrated until the 100%calibration score is reached.
To generate each calibration point in the calibration curve, spike the lipid internal standard mixture with 10 microliters of deuterated internal standard mixture. Prepare seven such spiked samples for seven calibration points in the desired range. Using the data analysis software, manually annotate the fatty acid chains based on the passive MS/MS patterns.
To determine the stable isotope labeling, or SIL efficiency, calculate the ratio of the area of the SIL-containing isotopes to the area of the non-SIL-containing isotopes. Calculate the theoretical pattern by determining the probability of finding a labeled atom at any site. Calculate SIL enrichment by fitting the experimental isotope profiles with the theoretical pattern simulated on data analysis software.
To start the run, activate the column oven by clicking the thermometer button, and activate the pumps by clicking the valve button. Set the MS method to the appropriate method saved earlier. Verify that the injection volume is five microliters, and line one target's vial 20 to one, and save the sample list.
Start the sequence, and confirm successful injection by the message stating injected, displayed on the system. Copy line one, and paste it below to generate a new line two. Populate line two with samples depending on the experiment.
Ensure that the correct position in the autosampler is used. If the mobile phases are fresh, first perform a peak shape test with the lipid mixture standards from the manufacturer, to compare it with previous results. The lipid mixture and the standards are displayed on the screen.
Make sure new lines have the correct separation method, and not the preconditioning method used in line one. Ensure that MS method entered is correct. Check that the correct processing method is loaded, and the run automated process is enabled.
Save the sample list to ensure samples are analyzed after the current run finishes.