Ask the subject to sit behind the imaging device, and explain the testing procedures to the subject. Then, double click on the RTView icon to start the procedure. Click on the new patient button to create a new patient and fill out the information fields, such as last name, first name, gender, birth date, and ethnicity.
Click on the save button. Now, disinfect the setup by wiping down the OCT head and chin rest with an alcohol swab. Select the desired scan pattern by clicking on the cross line, followed by the cornea button.
Attach the anterior segment lens to the system scanner. Then, select the eye to be scanned according to the anterior segment slit lamp photography. Ask the subject to place their chin on the chin rest, and instruct the subject to roll the eyeball to fully expose the ocular surface lesion.
Align the lesion of interest with the center of the scan. Click on the scan tab. Afterward, press Auto P to enhance signal strength.
Adjust the scanner head to get the best ocular image. Capture the image using the eight millimeters by eight millimeters automated segmentation OCT scan. Review the OCT slices before saving the scan.
To determine the region of interest, observe the dynamic sectional view during alignment, align the cross line with the thickest point of the lesion, and capture the scan. Pay attention to the adjacent parts of normal and abnormal tissue. Capture the border of the lesion.
Open the system software, and locate the existing patient by typing their name or birth date in the search by space. Input the patient's relevant information, and click on the search button. Once the patient is located, click on their name to list all the visits.
Choose the latest visit and review the OCT images. Click on the scan button to obtain the current AS-OCT image as demonstrated previously, and assess the parameters.