To begin, inoculate a flask containing one liter of growth medium with chlorella sorokiniana at an approximate concentration of 3 times 10 to the power of 6 cells per milliliter. Incubate the inoculated flask under a red light source with an intensity of 3, 600 to 4, 200 lux, maintaining a temperature between 22 to 26 degrees Celsius. Manually agitate the flask every 24 hours during the seven-day incubation.
In a sterile environment, transfer 10 milliliters of culture into a 15-milliliter conical tube, and centrifuge it at 3, 000 G for 20 minutes at 25 to 30 degrees Celsius. Then remove the supernatant from the centrifuge tube and pull the biomass into a sterile 50-milliliter conical centrifugation tube. Measure the inoculum's optical density at 550 nanometers to determine the microalgae cell concentration before storing it at three to four degrees Celsius for future use.