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  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
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Methods are described for ultrasensitive quantification of biomarker proteins using an immunoassay system capable of single molecule counting. The platform can be used to quantify a wide array of proteins in a variety of tissues from several species. This exemplar assays interleukin-6 in human serum from pediatric concussion patients.


Efforts to expand the precision science knowledge base and promote translation of findings to clinical care remain an important area of ongoing inquiry. Part of this effort includes quantification of proteins that can be used as biological markers (i.e., biomarkers) of pathophysiological processes and other important cellular and tissue activities. Potential applications for biological markers include disease or injury diagnosis, symptom prognosis, and therapy selection/evaluation. The increased understanding of the current and future utility of protein biomarkers, combined with the realization that many biomarkers normally exist in very low levels, has prompted efforts to develop new protein quantification systems with enhanced sensitivity, improved workflows, and shorter read times. Here, we provide an overview of an ultrasensitive immunoassay system and compatible interleukin-6 (IL-6) assays. This assay platform is bead-based, like many other commercially available systems; however, rather than quantifying the fluorescent signal in the spectral address of bead regions, the ultrasensitive immunoassay system quantifies free-floating fluorochromes using a rotating laser, charge-coupled device (CCD) camera, and avalanche photodiode (APD). This high-performance system can be used to quantify a myriad of protein biomarkers, in a variety of biological specimens collected from many species. In this article, quantification of IL-6 in human serum obtained from pediatric brain injury patients will be used as an exemplar.


The benefits of precision care initiatives are becoming increasingly appreciated, and efforts to expand current clinical applications are underway. This increased interest is fueling inquiry into protein biomarkers that have the potential to provide important insights into physiological processes inside the body that can inform clinical care. Current applications for protein biomarkers include diagnosing conditions1, selecting appropriate therapies2, and tracking response to treatment2. These and other precision care successes have led to an expansion in the number and nature of biomarkers being e....


All the procedures including human subjects described in this protocol have been approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at the University of Texas at Austin. This protocol is specifically adjusted for targeted assay of IL-6 in serum; adjustments to the protocol should be made when assaying other protein biomarkers, consistent with manufacturer’s instructions.

1. Collect, process, and store samples

  1. Collect blood and process the biological samples for serum according to the manufacturer’s protocol.
  2. Store serum aliquots at -80 °C until processing for laboratory analysis.

Representative Results

Using a Five Parameter Logistic Curve Fit (5PL) for the standard curve generated, the Lower Limit of Quantification (LLoQ) was 1.852 pg/mL and the Limit of Detection (LoD) was 0.011 pg/mL with a 0.996 R squared coefficient. Representative data from the ultrasensitive immunoassay system exported CSV file on the n=17 samples ran can be seen in Supplemental Table 1. For this run, the mean concentrations and coefficient of variation were utilized for direct comparison as seen in Table 2.


The use of several specific types of equipment can serve to further simplify the protocol and improve results. A rotisserie rotator can be used to promote adequate suspension of the beads and to save time and energy associated with manual inversion. By using a filtration plate over a standard 96 well plate during centrifugation of the samples, the number of plate transfers can be reduced, further saving time. When performing serial dilution of the standards, a 12-channel pipette and 12-well trough could be used to transf.......


The author Adam S. Venable is an employee of Millipore Sigma that produces the instrument and reagents used in this Article. The other authors have nothing to disclose.


Additional support for this project came from Dr. Nicole Osier’s Rising STARs Award from the University of Texas System Permanent University Fund Bond, as well as the CHPR Grant awarded by the St. David’s Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research in Underserved PopulationsOpen access publication costs were generously industry-sponsored by Millipore Sigma.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1L Stericup Filter (0.22 μm; polyethersulfone)MilliporeSigmaSCGPU11REOptional and not used in this study; used to sterilize remaining 1x wash buffer for storage (up to 1 month).
384-well SensoPlateGriener BioScience
500 mL graduated cylinderAnyVaries
5 mL syringeAnyVaries
96-well V-bottom polypropylene plate (500 μL)Axygen781892
Centrifuge with plate rotatorAnyVariesMust be capable of reaching a speed of 1,100 x g
Container capable of holding 500 mLAnyVaries
De-ionized or disitilled waterN/AN/A
Erenna 10x System/Wash BufferMilliporeSigma02-0111-00
Jitterbug Plate ShakerBoekel Scientific70-0009-00A suitable alternative can also be used.
Microcentrifuge tubesAnyVaries
Modified microplate washerBioTek95-0004-05The microplate washer is modified to include a sphere mag-plate assembly. A suitable alternative (automated or manual) can be used provided it can be modified to include the mag-plate assembly and also has a vacuum regulator as well as a dispense/waste system including a vacuum pump
MultiScreenHTS BV 96-well Filter PlateEMD milliporeP-96-450V-C
Personal protection equipmentAnyVariesGloves, labcoat, closed-toed shoes
Reservoirs for 12-channel pipettorsAnyVaries
Rotisserie RotatorAnyVaries
Sealing tapeAnyVaries
Single channel pipettesAnyVariesMust have pipettes capable of transferring 10-250 μL
SMC High Sensitivity Human IL-6 Immunoassay KitMilliporeSigma03-0089-01Human assay optimized for use with serum and EDTA plasma samples. The kit contains the following 9 items (1) Assay Buffer; (2) Beads; (3) Standard Diluent; (4) Detection Antibody; (5) Standard; (6) Control 1; (7) Control 2; (8) Control 3; (9) 10X Wash Buffer; (10) Buffer D; (11) Elution Buffer B.
SMCxPROTM Complete SystemMilliporeSigma95-0100-00This is the device used to run the assays and quantify the biomarker; the complete kit comes with the device and the associated computer and software.
Syringe filter (0.2 μm)AnyVaries
Titer Plate ShakerVWR12620-926Optional and not used in this study; used when incubating overnight
Universal plate coverAnyVaries


  1. Chase, K. A., Cone, J. J., Rosen, C., Sharma, R. P. The value of interleukin 6 as a peripheral diagnostic marker in schizophrenia. BMC Psychiatry. 16, 152 (2016).
  2. Lanquillon, S., Krieg, J. C., Bening-Abu-Shach, U., Vedder, H.

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Biological markersbiomarkersproteininterleukin 6serumultrasensitivequantificationpediatric traumatic brain injurybiomarker platformassaynew instrumentsingle molecule counting

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