This experiment will enclose four parts.Preparation before exposure, hatching quail egg without shell, incubation process and a sample collection, And representative results.Please watch the following video for the specific experimental process.In the exposure test, the same batch of quail fertilized eggs were selected for the experiment.The eggs with similar size were selected to reduce the experimental error.At the same time all quail fertilize the eggs and eggs should be completely cleaned, because there will be feces and other substances on their shells.After that, the pre-hatched, the fertilized quail eggs, and the eggs to be used were disinfected with penicillin and a mycin When placing you need to pay attention to the top facing down and then the blunt end facing up.The egg's cleaning process isn't shown in the video.The next step is the process of grounding the eggshell.It's the most important step in preparation.The chanted egg shell is a cut in the centre egg size with a dental drill, but can't be broken.Trying to make the fracture surface of the incision smooth enough, then the incubator was disinfected with 75%Acinol solution.Quail fertilized egg placed in the incubator with a humidity of 60%and 38