This protocol demonstrates how to perform unilateral nigrostriatal lesions in the rat by injecting 6-hydroxydopamine in the medial forebrain bundle.This protocol also demonstrates how to assess motor deficits and predict lesions using the stepping test.This model reproduces the severe destruction of dopaminergic neurons and simulates Parkinsonian symptoms in rats.This rat model protocol makes it possible to study Parkinson's disease in the laboratory, covering several areas of interest, such as physiology, anatomy, and the pathological mechanism of the disease.The test is performed with both forelimbs, one at a time, as described in the pretest protocol.Perform the training sessions for three days.On the first day, in the first session, hold the rat for 1 to 2 minutes to allow the rat to familiarize itself with the handler or experimenter.In the second session, in order to familiarize the rat with the experimental setup for the stepping test, hold the rat for 20 seconds, and then place it on the table for 20 seconds.Repeat this training step for 3 minutes.On the second and third day, in the first training session, place both forepaws of the rat on the protocol table by holding its hind paws and back with one hand.Tilt the rat downwards, head first, at an angle of 45