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In This Article

  • Summary
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
  • Discussion
  • Disclosures
  • Acknowledgements
  • Materials
  • References
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The present protocol describes a method measuring absolute DNA densities within adherent cell nuclei using Voronoi tessellation of single-molecule localization microscopy data, known volume, genome size, and cell cycle stage.


Within the cell nucleus, silent genes are generally located in chromatin areas of high density called heterochromatin, whereas active genes can be mostly found at the interface between chromatin and the interchromatin space called euchromatin. At present, the characterization of eu- and heterochromatin is mostly based on epigenetic modifications to histone proteins along the DNA sequence, while little is known about absolute DNA densities across the cell nucleus and their functional implications. Diagrams of the nucleus solely based on biochemical data and assumptions about the nature of chromatin as a polymer differ fundamentally from imaging data generated by high-resolution microscopy. This indicates that these methods are not well-suited for measuring density relationships in situ. We believe that spatial constraints might be involved in gene regulation and have therefore developed a method that allows the measurement of absolute DNA densities in mammalian cell nuclei by transforming super-resolution localization data into true-to-scale density maps by Voronoi tessellation.


Since the early days of cell biology, the cell nucleus-the seat of genetic information-has fascinated biologists. After applying self-developed cytological staining methods, Emil Heitz discovered, in 1928, differently, intensely stained areas within the cell nucleus1. He called the more intensely stained, dense areas "heterochromatin", whereas he named the less strongly stained, less dense areas "euchromatin". Over time, it became apparent that active genes are mostly located in euchromatin, while denser areas were found to be rich in repetitive elements and silent genes. The terms heterochromatin and euchromatin have survived t....


NOTE: Figure 3 gives an overview of the workflow described in this section. See the Table of Materials for details related to the reagents, materials, equipment, and software used in this protocol. The code used for this publication can be viewed and downloaded here:

1. Cell culture

  1. Cultivate C3H10T1/2, HFB, and HeLa cells in DMEM supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum at 37 °C in a humidified atmosphere supplemented with 5% CO2. When cells are clo....

Representative Results

The HeLa nucleus shown in Figure 5 was chosen from the table generated by CellProfiler4.2.1 in section 3 to have an integrated fluorescence intensity close to the first peak in the histogram shown in Figure 5 that represents nuclei in the G1 phase. Given its small size and pronounced inner structure, it is likely to be an early G1 nucleus that is still in the process of decondensing its chromatin after mitosis. Being in G1 means .......


This article outlines how to measure absolute DNA densities in mammalian cell nuclei using SMLM. In addition, we have demonstrated how to determine the cell cycle stage of cultured cells and how to use this information to estimate the amount of DNA present in a light optical ultra-thin section. Also described in detail are the preparation of adherent cells for fBALM SMLM microscopy and how to process SMLM data to generate super-resolved microscopic images of genomic DNA in cell nuclei. Finally, the protocol shows how the.......


The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.


We thank Dr. Sandra Ritz for letting us use the IMB Imaging Core Facility, Dr. Shih-Ya Chen for letting us use her custom-built SMLM microscope, Dr. Leonard Kubben (IMB) for providing human fibroblasts, Dr. Christof Niehrs (IMB) for providing the C3H10T1/2 cell line, and Dr. Jan Neumann for the MATLAB-Script that we have modified for this work. We also want to thank Dr. Marion Cremer, Dr. Thomas Cremer, and Dr. Christoph Cremer for fruitful discussions.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Cell Culture
µ-Dish 35 mm, high Grid-500 Glass BottomIbidi81168
C3H 10T1/2IMB (Niehrs Lab)
FBSLife Technologies16000-044
HeLaMicroscopy Core Facility (IMB)
HFBIMB (Kubben Lab)
Nonessential Aminoacids and vitamins for HFB
Sodium PyruvateS8636
Sample Prep
Glucose OxidaseMerck49180
RNase CocktailThermoFisherAM2286
SYTOX OrangeThermoFisherS11368
TetraSpeck Fluorescent Microspheres Sampler KitThermoFisherT7284
Triton X-100ThermoFisher327372500
BioFormatsOpenMicroscopy.orgopen source software
CellProfiler v4.2.1CellProfiler.orgopen source software
FiJInih.govopen source software
LANDnih.govopen source software
MatLab 2021Math Workscommercial software - requires "Image Processing Toolbox"
R v.4..0.3r-project.orgopen source software
ThunderSTORM v1.3open source software
AF 7000Leica
Leica GSDLeica
SMLM MicroscopeCremer Labcustom-built by Dr. S-Y. Chen


  1. Passarge, E. Emil Heitz and the concept of heterochromatin: longitudinal chromosome differentiation was recognized fifty years ago. American Journal of Human Genetics. 31 (2), 106-115 (1979).
  2. Cremer, T., Cremer, M.

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SMLMfBALMSytox OrangeDNA densityChromatinVoronoi Tessellation

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