Our scope is to identify new ways to perform biopsies from otherwise difficult to access areas in the most patient-friendly way. Thus, conclusive biopsies with few adverse events, low patients discomfort, and low costs. EUS-B is a safe technique in the hands of respiratory physicians.
Despite that biopsies are taken not from the lungs or airways, but from the esophagus or stomach, it allows for more complete investigation of patients with possible lung cancer or other cancer. We have contributed significantly to the field by exploring utility and safety of EUS-B, including identification of new targets that can be reached and sampled. The aspect of patient safety is of utmost importance, and EUS-B has no serious complications.
EUS-B is an emerging technique, and there's still no simulators or phantoms that allows for safe learning of the technique. This protocol provides a clear and stepwise instruction to support beginners and mentors to improve the learning curve.