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  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
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Mechanisms of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) are poorly understood and challenging to translate from current models. Transgenic rabbits may offer insights into these mechanisms. We describe a method for long-term, continuous electroencephalography and electrocardiography recordings in transgenic rabbit kits to evaluate serious events that may lead to death.


Pathogenic variants in ion channel genes are associated with a high rate of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP). Mechanisms of SUDEP are poorly understood but may involve autonomic dysfunction and cardiac arrhythmias in addition to seizures. Some ion-channel genes are expressed in both the brain and the heart, potentially increasing the risk of SUDEP in patients with ion-channelopathies associated with epilepsy and cardiac arrhythmias. Transgenic rabbits expressing epilepsy variants provide a whole organism to study the complex physiology of SUDEP. Importantly, rabbits more closely replicate human cardiac physiology than do mouse models. However, rabbit models have additional health and anesthesia considerations when undergoing invasive monitoring procedures. We have developed a novel method to surgically implant a telemetry device for long-term simultaneous electroencephalogram (EEG) and electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring in neonatal rabbit kits. Here, we demonstrate surgical methods to implant a telemetry device in P14 (weight range 175-250 g) kits with detailed attention to surgical approach, appropriate anesthesia and monitoring, and postoperative care, resulting in a low complication rate. This method allows for continuous monitoring of neural and cardiac electrophysiology during critical points in the development of cardiac arrhythmias, seizures, and potential SUDEP in rabbit models of genetic or acquired epilepsies.


Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) is a leading cause of death in patients with epilepsy. Mechanisms of SUDEP are poorly understood but potentially involve autonomic dysfunction, apnea, and cardiac arrhythmias in addition to seizures1,2,3,4,5,6,7. Patients with channelopathy-linked genetic epilepsies have among the highest rates of SUDEP. For example, SUDEP occurs in up to 20% of patients with variants in the voltage-gated sodium....


All work described was reviewed and approved by the University of Michigan Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee as part of an approved animal use protocol and is in line with relevant federal laws and guidelines, including the USDA Animal Welfare Act and NIH Public Health Service Policy. The University of Michigan is an AAALACi-accredited institution.

1. Animal preparation

  1. Rough-shave kits (age P14-P19, weight >175 g) 1-2 days prior to the procedure to minimize anesthesia time on the day of surgery using clippers.
  2. Autoclave or gas sterilize all surgical tools and materials (as possible) in p....

Representative Results

The successful outcome of this project required the development of multiple parameters in the implant procedure and recording protocol. Implant surgery was attempted or performed on 16 rabbit kits, with 14 successfully surviving the procedure. Of those, 12 survived to the experimental endpoint. Reasons for intraoperative or postoperative death are highlighted in Table 1, along with procedure modifications that allowed for future success in achieving the experimental endpoint. The most common operative co.......


The protocol described for anesthetic induction, monitoring, and support balances research needs for surgical approach and ease with gold standards of veterinary care. Prior to the laboratory adopting the described protocol as standard procedure, several other potential refinements were trialed, including dorsal subcutaneous implant placement, the use of an endotracheal tube or laryngeal mask airway, and the use of an esophageal stethoscope attachment for heart rate monitoring. However, all were ultimately abandoned for .......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors are grateful for funding by NIH R61NS130070 to LLI.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1 inch elastic wrap - Coban or Vetwrap3M
4-0 PDS monofilament sutureEthicon
5-0 Ethilon nylon sutureEthicon
Acquisition computerDell
Adhesive surgical towelsN/AN/A
Anesthesia circuit - Jackson-Reevs with 0.5 L rebreathing bagJorVetJ0248GA
Betadine scrubN/AN/A
Bupivicaine (0.5%)N/AN/ADiluted to 2.5 mg/mL prior to administration
Buprenorphine (0.3 mg/mL)N/AN/ADiluted to 0.03 mg/mL prior to administration 
Burr - 1.00 mmCell Point Scientific60-1000to drill skull
Cafazolin (1 g lypholized)N/AN/ADiluted to 50 mg/mL
Carprofen (50 mg/mL)MWI VeterinaryDiluted to 25 mg/mL prior to administration
Cotton tipped applicatorsN/AN/A
Custom 3-D printed face maskN/A
Dental acrylicN/AN/A
Diet Gel CriticareClear H2O72-05-5042Nutritional support 
Dopper Gel - AquasonicPatterson 07-890-5542
Doppler - Vet-Dop2Patterson07-888-8986
Doxapram (20 mg/mL)MWI VeterinaryN/AEmergency only
Dumont #5 Fine ForcepsFine Science Tools11254-20For holding screws
Duraprep3M8630Final skin prep
ecgAuto data analysis softwareemka technologiesN/A
Epinephrine (1:1000)MWI VeterinaryN/AEmergency only
Glucometer ipet ProMWI Veterinary63867Monitor if poor recovery
Glycopyrrolate (0.2 mg/mL)MWI VeterinaryN/AEmergency only
Gram scaleN/AN/A
HemostatsFine Science Tools13008-12Hold wire loops while tying the loop in place
Ideal Micro-drillCell Point Scientific67-1204To drill skull
IncubatorDRE-veterinary (Infantia - NB1)N/A
Induction boxVetEquip941444
Infared heating pad - RightTemp JrKent Scientific CorporationRT-0502
IOX2 data acquisition softwareemka technologiesN/A
IV Catheter - Covidein Monoject 26 G, 3/4 inch PTFE Patterson 07-836-8494
ketamine (100 mg/mL)MWI VeterinaryN/A
Medical tapeN/AN/A
Narrow Pattern Forceps - Straight/12 cmFine Science Tools11002-12
Neonatal stethescopeUltrascopeN/A
Olsen-Hegar Needle holder with scissors - 12 cmFine Science Tools12002-12For suturing
Ophthalmic ointment PuralubeMWI VeterinaryN/AAdministered to both eyes during anesthesia
Opthalmic Lubricant - Paralube VetPatterson 07-888-2572
Pulse oximeter (AccuWave Portable )Patterson07-892-9128For prep and recovery; reads HR up to 400
Pulse oximeter (SDI - Vet/Ox plus 4700)HeskaN/AIntra-operative; no longer producted
Receiveremka technologiesN/A1 receiver for every 4 telemetry implants
Rectal thermometerN/AN/A
ScalpelFine Science Tools10003-12
ScissorsFine Science Tools14002-12To cut drape
Screw driver - 1.0 mmN/AN/AFrom mini-screwdriver set for electronics
Screws 00-96 x 3/32 (2.4 mm)Protech International8L0X3905202F
SevofluraneMWI VeterinaryMaintenance anesthesia
Sevoflurane vaporizer and anesthesia machineN/AN/A
Skin glue, GlutureMWI Veterinary34207Apply sparingly with syringe
Small scissorsFine Science Tools14084-08
Sterile aluminum foilN/AN/ATo wrap wires prior to rotating animal 
Sterile paint brushN/AN/ATo apply dental acrylic 
Sterile SalineN/AN/A
Sterile surgical glovesN/AN/A
Sterile ultrasound coverN/AN/ATo cover the drill
Sterile WaterN/AN/AFor cefazolin reconstitution
Surgical blade no. 15N/AN/A
Surgical drapeN/AN/A
Surgical gownN/AN/A
Swivel connector - Jorgensen LabsPatterson 07-802-2349To connect anesthesia circuit to face mask
Telemetry implantemka technologies easyTEL+_M1_EETA_B_35
TrocarSAITRO-10-6To tunnel wires


  1. Bagnall, R.D., Crompton, D. E., Semsarian, C. Genetic Basis of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy. Front Neurol. 8, 348 (2017).
  2. Surges, R. et al. Pathologic cardiac repolarization in pharmacoresistant epilepsy and its potential role in sudden unexpected death in epilepsy: a case-control study. Epilepsia. 51 (2), 233-242 (2010).
  3. Surges, R., Thijs, R. D., Tan, H. L., Sander, J.W. Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy: risk factors and potential pathomechanisms. Nat Rev Neurol. 5 (9), 492-504 (2009).
  4. Shorvon, S., Tomson, T. Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy. Lancet.

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