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In vivo assembly is a ligation-independent cloning method that relies on intrinsic DNA repair enzymes in bacteria to assemble DNA fragments by homologous recombination. This protocol is both time and cost-effective, as few reagents are required, and cloning efficiency can be as high as 99 %.


In vivo assembly (IVA) is a molecular cloning method that uses intrinsic enzymes present in bacteria that promote intermolecular recombination of DNA fragments to assemble plasmids. This method functions by transforming DNA fragments with regions of 15-50 bp of homology into commonly used laboratory Escherichia coli strains and the bacteria use the RecA-independent repair pathway to assemble the DNA fragments into a plasmid. This method is more rapid and cost-effective than many molecular cloning methods that rely on in vitro assembly of plasmids prior to transformation into E. coli strains. This is because in vitro methods require the purchase of specialized enzymes and the performance of sequential enzymatic reactions that require incubations. However, unlike in vitro methods, IVA has not been experimentally shown to assemble linear plasmids. Here we share the IVA protocol used by our laboratory to rapidly assemble plasmids and subclone DNA fragments between plasmids with different origins of replication and antibiotic resistance markers.


Molecular cloning encompasses a series of laboratory techniques needed to produce plasmids containing specific recombinant DNA1. These ubiquitous techniques often act as a bottleneck in the experimental workflow2. Many molecular cloning techniques rely on the assembly of DNA fragments in vitro using a series of enzymatic reactions prior to transformation into a host strain (e.g., Escherichia coli DH5a) for amplification3,4,5,6,7. As in vi....


1. Design primers or DNA fragments with homologous ends

  1. Use a word processing software or specialized DNA analysis software to artificially assemble the desired plasmid.
    NOTE: It is often helpful to color-code DNA fragments from different sources and to highlight homologous regions that will be used in downstream assembly steps. In addition, it is also helpful to color-code homologous DNA to ensure directional assembly.
  2. Design primers that bind to each DNA fragment and contain 15-50 bp of the homologous DNA sequence (Figure 1)2,15.

Representative Results

In this manuscript, as an example of IVA use, we followed the IVA workflow provided to re-clone the mCherry open reading frame into the multiple cloning site of plasmid pSU19 to generate a plasmid identical to pSU19mCherry (Figure 3)17. Primers suitable for IVA were designed based on protocol steps 1.1 and 1.2. Then, a plasmid isolation kit was used to isolate pSU19 and pSU18mCherry, which served as templates for PCR reactions to amplify the plasmid backbone and inser.......


The most critical step for successful IVA cloning is the DNA fragment and primer design. IVA efficiency is greatly improved when homologous fragments are designed to be at least 15 bp in length with a melting temperature of approximately 47-52 Β°C. A detailed study exploring the optimization of IVA fragment design has been published16. Another important step for having high cloning efficiency is to use as little template DNA as possible in PCR amplification steps. To further reduce the carryov.......


The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.


HGB is funded by a Canada Graduate Scholarships - Master's program from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and a Dean's Doctoral Award (University of Saskatchewan). This work was supported by an NSERC Discovery Grant (RGPIN-2021-03066), start-up funds (to JLT) from the University of Saskatchewan and Canada Foundation for Innovation John R. Evans Leaders Fund (Grant number 42269 to JLT). The authors thank Mr. Eric Toombs for providing the photograph of DNA quantification by UV spectroscopy.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1 kb Plus DNA ladderFroggaBioDM015-R500DNA molecular weight marker
AccuReady M Single Channel 0.5-10 Β΅LBulldog BioBPP020Pipettes for transferring liquid
AccuReady M Single Channel Pipettor KitBulldog BioBPK100Pipettes for transferring liquid
AgarBioShop CanadaAGR003.1Solidifying agent for growth medium
AgaroseBiobasicD0012Make agarose gels for DNA electrophoresis
Biometra TOneΒ Analytikjena846-2-070-301Thermocycler
Caps for glass culture tubesFisher Scientific14-957-91Reusable caps for glass culture tubes
DNA primersIntegrated DNA TechnologiesN/ABind and amplify template DNA in PCR reaction
DpnIΒ New England BiolabsR0176SCleave methylated template DNA following PCR amplification
EcoRINew England BiolabsR3101LRestriction enzyme, comes with appropriate buffer
Eppendorf microtubes 1.5 mLSarstedt72.690.300Microtube, 1.5 mL, conical base, PP, attached flat cap, molded graduations and frosted writing space
Ethidium bromideFisher ScientificAAL0748203DNA visualization/intercalating agent, toxic
EZ-10 Spin Column Plasmid DNA Miniprep KitBiobasicBS614Isolate plasmid DNA from overnight bacterial cultures
GelDoc Go-Gel systemBio-Rad12009077Imaging DNA gels
Glass culture tubesFisher Scientific14-925EGlass culture tubes
myGelΒ Mini Electrophoresis SystemSigma-AldrichZ742288System used for gel electrophoresis
NanoDrop OneThermo FisherND-ONE-WDetermine DNA concentration
PCR Clean Up for DNA SequencingBiobasicBT5100Purify PCR productsΒ 
Petri dishSarstedt82.1473.011Petri dish 92 x 16 mm, PS, transparent, with ventilation cams
Pipette tip, 1000 Β΅LSarstedt70.305Pipette tips for 100-1000 Β΅L
Pipette tip, 2.5 Β΅LSarstedt70.3010.265Pipette tips for up to 2.5 Β΅L
Pipette tip, 20 Β΅LSarstedt70.3020.200Pipette tips for up to 20 Β΅L
Pipette tip, 200 Β΅LSarstedt70.3030.020Pipette tips for 1-200 Β΅L
Salt (NaCl)Fisher ScientificS271-10Component of bacterial growth medium (10 g/L)
Single 0.2 mL PCR tubes with flat capFroggaBioTF-1000PCR tubes
Tryptone (Bacteriological)BioShop CanadaTRP402.5Component of bacterial growth medium (10 g/L)
VeriFi DNA polymerasePCR BiosystemsPB10.42-01High fidelity polymerase, the PCR buffer containing Mg2+ and dNTPs is provided with purchase
Xba INew England BiolabsR0145SRestriction enzyme, comes with appropriate buffer
Yeast extractBioShop CanadaYEX401.205Component of bacterial growth medium (5 g/L)


  1. Bertero, A., Brown, S., Vallier, L. Methods of cloning. Basic Science Methods for Clinical Researchers. Chapter 2, 19-39 (2017).
  2. Garcia-Nafria, J., Watson, J. F., Greger, I. H. IVA cloning: A single-tube universal cloning system exploiting bact....

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