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Here, we present a protocol to measure the moisture absorption and desorption rate of bamboo scrimber in an outdoor environment for a dynamic hot-humid climate wind tunnel test with complete meteorological conditions for 72 h.


The absorption and desorption rate Uab is an important indicator to evaluate the hygric performance of hygroscopic building materials. However, standard methods to obtain this value are normally carried out in a static indoor environment, which cannot represent a dynamic outdoor environment. This protocol presents a Hot-Humid Climate Wind Tunnel (HHCWT) method to examine the hygric behavior of bamboo scrimber (BFB) in outdoor conditions, with the hourly solar radiation, air temperature, relative humidity, and constant wind speed of a typical summer day in the south of China. The complete meteorological parameters were repeated for 72 h, of which the last 48 h were selected for analysis. By comparison with the hardwood specimen (HW) in this test, BFB showed a more stable hygric performance. The BFB to HW ratio of the Uab mean value and maximum value were, respectively, 64.35% and 66.02%. The maximum absorption rate Ua.max and desorption rate Ud.max from the dynamic test were correspondingly 2.91E-05 kg/(m2/s) and 4.45E-05 kg/(m2/s), far larger than the results of 7.74E-07 - 12.58E-07 kg/(m2/s) from the static test. The significant difference in magnitude shows the necessity of a dynamic evaluation approach that can take more practical climate conditions into consideration. The HHCWT enables the reproducibility and standardization of climate-related experiments for building materials by creating climate conditions with complete meteorological parameters.


Bamboo scrimber is considered to be an ideal product to achieve a high value-added utilization of the widely distributed bamboo forest resources, by decomposing raw bamboo and recombining it into bamboo panels that could be applied as outdoor flooring or a building facade. There already are studies on the hygrothermal properties of bamboo scrimber with static standard methods carried out in indoor environments1,2. However, the performance in more practical outdoor conditions needs further investigation. The hygric properties of bamboo scrimber obtained in our prior study are shown in Table 1.<....


1. Specimens Treatment

  1. Specimens preparation
    1. Select the material: for the bamboo (BFB), a bamboo scrimber panel made of Moso (Phyllostachys Pubescens); for the timber (HW), a hardwood panel made of Intsia spp. (Caesalpiniaceae).
    2. Ask the bamboo and wood factories to cut the specimens to a size of 30 x 30 cm (side length), while keeping the original thickness of 28 mm.
      Note: The normal size of the bamboo panels used is 122 x 244 cm (width x length), and the thickness is 28 mm or 18 mm. The samples can best be cut at the factories because they have the suitable cutting machines. Chose the thick....

Representative Results

The recorded data of the last 48 h from the whole 72 h were selected and analyzed (Figure 2, Table 5).

The dynamic test in the wind tunnel was performed and the results showed that the bamboo scrimber (BFB) had a lower Uad value than the reference hardwood (HW). Compared to HW, BFB showed a more stable hygric performance. The Uab mean value Uab.mean .......


The protocol presented a Hot-Humid Climatic Wind Tunnel (HHCWT) test method to measure the moisture absorption and desorption rate of bamboo scrimber. The critical steps included the specimen's treatment, which in turn included the specimen's preparation, vacuum saturation, and bottom and side sealing; the wind tunnel operation, which in turn included the equipment arrangement, wind tunnel preheating, specimens installation, and data recording; the post-operation including drying the specimen; the data processing.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The research was funded by The State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science Project: 2017KC22 and The State Scholarship Fund by the Chinese Scholarship Council: 201506150017.

The experiment was carried out with the Hot-Humid Climatic Wind Tunnel (HHCWT), which was developed by the Building Energy Conservation Research Center of South China University of Technology.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
bamboo scrimber sampleDasso Industrial Group Co. Ltd. Hangzhou, China-made of Phyllostachys Pubescens, mainly used for outdoor flooring
Hardwood sampleShan Shang industry, Shanghai, China-made of Intsia.spp, Caesalpiniaceae, mainly used for outdoor flooring
Petroleum jellyGuangzhou Suixin Chemical Co., Ltd.-White Vaseline
BalanceShimadzuUX 6200HRange 0.5-6200 g, accuracy 0.01g
Vacuum pumpDongguan Fopump Vacuum Equipment Co., Ltd., Dongguan, China2X-8Sliding vane rotary vacuum pump, extreme pressure 600Pa, speed 8L/s
HHCWT: Hot-Humid Climatic Wind Tunnel, including control systems for:the Building Energy Conservation Research Center of South China University of Technology-The HHCWT consists of 18 elements (table 3)
Software attached to the HHCWT operating condition control and data collection systemthe Building Energy Conservation Research Center of South China University of Technology-Created by visual programming language Visual Basic


  1. Huang, Z., Sun, Y., Musso, F. Assessment on bamboo scrimber as a substitute for timber in building envelope in tropical and humid subtropical climate zones - part 1: hygrothermal properties test. ICBMM 2017 - International Conference on Building Materials and Materials Engineering. , (2017).
  2. Huang, Z., Sun, Y., Musso, F.

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Bamboo scrimberhot humid climate wind tunnelmoisture absorptiondesorption ratewind tunneldynamichygric behavior

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