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  • Protocol
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Glioblastoma is a devastating form of primary brain cancer, and laser interstitial thermal therapy is emerging as a promising alternative to conventional surgical resection for inoperable glioblastoma. This protocol describes an optimized pre-clinical mouse model that can be used to study treatment effects or adjuvant and combinatorial treatments.


Glioblastoma (GB), the most aggressive form of primary brain cancer, accounts for approximately half of all high-grade primary brain tumors in adults and has no cure. Laser interstitial thermal therapy (LITT) is a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved treatment for GB and is used in patients who may not be candidates for conventional surgical resection. While the clinical efficacy of LITT has been established, research beyond clinical case studies and case series is limited and hindered by the lack of an established animal model. This protocol uses C57BL/6 mice and syngeneic CT2A glioma cancer cell line to closely recapitulate human GB while also using a 1064 nm Neodymium-doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet (Nd:YAG) laser, such as is used in one of the two FDA-approved LITT systems, providing excellent pre-clinical relevance. The successful establishment of this LITT murine model will provide a valuable platform for investigating the unique features of LITT ablation and its effects on the tumor microenvironment, potentially leading to improved therapeutic strategies.


Cancer is the number one leading cause of death in Canada. Glioblastoma (GB), the most common form of aggressive brain tumor, accounts for 48% to 60% of all high-grade primary brain tumors in adults1. The prognosis for GB is especially grim with a 5-year net survival of 4.8% with conventional treatments, including surgical resection, chemo- and radiotherapy1,2.

Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy (LITT) is an FDA-approved procedure using a laser for hyperthermic in-situ tumor ablation in patients with inoperable brain tumors and provides an attractiv....


Animal ethics for this protocol was approved by the Animal Care Committee at the University of Manitoba in accordance with the ethical guidelines set by the Canadian Council for Animal Care (CCAC). This protocol used 8-12-week-old C57BL/6 immunocompetent mice and syngeneic glioma cell line CT2A for a preclinical model with a wide range of applications, including experiments focused on histological analysis, immunological changes, or combinatorial therapeutic interventions. The protocol can be easily adapted to other mouse species or cell lines based on the experimental requirements.

Representative Results

Successful CT2A tumor implantation and LITT treatments can be characterized using T2-weighted MRI, as shown in Figure 4, Figure 5, and Figure 6. MR images were obtained using a 7T cryogen-free superconducting magnet with a 17 cm bore and quadrature mouse head coil using the sequence parameters outlined in the above protocol. Careful adherence to this method should result in take rates approaching 100%, consiste.......


There is a fast-expanding body of literature regarding LITT; however, it is primarily limited to human clinical case studies or case series. Indeed, several potential benefits for LITT have been shown, including lower post-operative complication rates and costs while conferring comparable progression-free survival7,8,9,10,11. There is also a reduction of local.......


We are grateful for the support from Monteris Medical, including the in-kind donation of laser equipment.


Funding sources for this project include the Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada (NSERC)-Alliance, Mitacs-Accelerate, Research Manitoba-IPOC, Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) CGS-M, and University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship. CT2A glioma cell line generously donated by Dr. Peter Fecci at Duke University, Durham, NC. We would also like to thank the Histology Service Lab and the Small Animal and Material Imaging Core facility at the University of Manitoba for their excellent technical assistance with this project.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Absorbion SpearsFST18105-01Hemostatic sponges.
Adson tissue forcepsFST11006-12
C57BL/6 miceJackson LaboratoriesStrain #0006646 to 12 week old male and female
Cotton Tipped Applicators (6")Electron Microscopy Sciences72308
CT2A glioma cell lineGenerously donated from Dr. Peter Fecci, Duke University.
Cultrex Reduced Growth Factor Basement Membrane Extract, PathClearBiotechne, R&D systems3433-010-01
DMEM/F-12, HEPESGibco, ThermoFisher Scientific11330032
Dual-chamber slides BIO-RAD1450003
Eppendorf Safe-Lock Tubes 2.0 mLEppendorf22363352
Ethyl Alcohol AnhydrousGreenfield GlobalP016EAANDilute to 70% with ddH2O
Fetal Bovine Serum, qualified, CanadaGibco, ThermoFisher Scientific12483020
Glad Press-n-Seal plastic wrapAmazon.ca12587704417
High speed drillKopf InstrumentsModel 1474
K & J Thermocouple temerpature meterOmegaHH509R
Metacam (meloxicam)WDDC114424
Microinjection syringe pumpWPIUMP3T-1
Microliter syringe (700 Series)Hamilton87908Custom needles are available. A steep needle bevel helps with precise delivery, and a shorter needle length helps with stability.
Needle driver/Needle HolderFST12500-12A fine tip is most suitable due to the confined working space, but many styles are suitable based on handle preference.
Opixcare Plus opthalmic ointmentWDDC135941
Phosphate Buffered Saline (10x)Fisher bioreagentsBP399-4Dilute to 1x with ddH2O
Povidone-iodineThermoFisher Scientific3955-16Aliquat into into smaller tubes for use with cotton tipped applicators.
Saline (normal)WDDC126588
Scalpel, single use (#15 Blade)FeatherFeather NO15
Scissors, fine surgicalFST91460-11Fine student scissors, Iris, or Bonn are all suitable.
Stereotactic frameKopf InstrumentsModel 940With digital display console and mouse nose-cone and ear-bars.
Stereotactic syringe holderKopf InstrumentsModel 1772-FIf not using an injection pump.
Sutures (5-0 monofilament)EthiconMCP463GMonocryl violet monofilament with reverse cutting tip
Syringe, 28 G  (0.5 mL) BDBD 329461BD Lo-Dose U-100 Insulin Syringes
TC20 Automated Cell CounterBIO-RAD1450102
Thermocouple probe, fine diameter (Type K)OmegaTJM-CA316-IM025G-150
Trypsin-EDTA (0.25%), phenol redGibco, ThermoFisher Scientific25200072
Vetbond by 3M, veterinary tissue glue WDDC126125
Wahl Peanut ClippersWDDC/Wahl100963Also available directly from manufacturer.
Warming padBensen Medical70308/121873Any similar item can be used.
Webcol Alcohol prepsElectron Microscopy Sciences71005-20Alcohol prep wipe, 2-ply, medium size.


  1. Canadian Cancer Society. . Cancer Statistics 2023. , (2023).
  2. . Glioblastoma Research Organization Available from: https://www.gbmresearch.org (2024)
  3. Carpentier, A., et al. Laser thermal ....

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GlioblastomaGBLaser Interstitial Thermal TherapyLITTFDA approved TreatmentMurine ModelC57BL 6 MiceCT2A Glioma Cell LineNd YAG LaserTumor MicroenvironmentTherapeutic StrategiesPre clinical Relevance

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