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This protocol describes asynchronous mixing of human embryonic stem cells derived kidney progenitors at the air-liquid interface to efficiently generate kidney organoids.


The prevalence of kidney diseases continues to increase worldwide, driving the need to develop transplantable renal tissues. The kidney develops from four major renal progenitor populations: nephron epithelial, ureteric epithelial, interstitial and endothelial progenitors. Methods have been developed to generate kidney organoids but few or dispersed tubular clusters in the organoids hamper its use in regenerative applications. Here, we describe a detailed protocol of asynchronous mixing of kidney progenitors using organotypic culture conditions to generate kidney organoids tightly packed with tubular clusters and major renal structures including endothelial network and functional proximal tubules. This protocol provides guidance in the culture of human embryonic stem cells and their directed differentiation to kidney organoids. Our 18-day protocol provides a rapid method to generate kidney organoids that facilitate the study of different nephrological events including in-vitro tissue development, disease modeling and chemical screening. However, further studies are required to optimize the protocol to generate additional renal-specific cells types, interconnected nephron segments and physiologically functional renal tissues.


Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a worldwide healthcare problem with 13.4% global estimated prevalence1. Approximately 10% of the adult population of the United States suffers from CKD2. There is no curative treatment available for patients with CKD except renal transplantation. The lack of availability of transplantable organs warrants research into technologies to understand how new kidney tissues can be generated. In recent years, procedures have been reported to generate kidney organoids3,4 from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and human induced pluripotent ....


Cell line WA09 (H9) was approved by the National Institutes of Health (registration number 0062) and was tested negative for mycoplasma infection.

1. Medium and plate preparation for hESCs culture

  1. Dilute matrix (reduced growth factor basement membrane e.g., Geltrex) in DMEM/F12 (1:100) and add 1 mL/well in 2 wells of a 6 well plate (reagents utilized in the manuscript are summarized in the Table of Materials).
  2. Incubate coated plate undisturbed at 37 °C for 1-2 h for effective coating.
  3. Prepare 7 mL of culture medium by adding prewarmed basic culture medium (e.g., StemFit) supplemented wit....


This protocol describes asynchronous mixing of kidney progenitor cells differentiated from hESCs (H9) at the air-liquid interface to generate kidney organoids with reproducible results and high success rates. We followed a previously published protocol to differentiate hESCs into kidney progenitors3 (Figure 1). The mix of cells that arises from the directed differentiation process is believed to represent the repertoire of developmental kidney progenitors that gives r.......


Asynchronous mixing of progenitors at the air-liquid interface (Figure 1) presents an efficient method to generate kidney organoids from hESCs. This work describes stepwise protocols for thaw and culture of hESCs, directed differentiation to kidney progenitors, making cell aggregates at the air-liquid interface, asynchronous mixing of progenitors to generate kidney organoids tightly packed with tubular clusters and major renal structures including endothelial network and functional proximal .......


The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


This work was supported in part by Merit Review Award #I01 BX002660 from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, Biomedical Laboratory Research and Development Service to Jason A. Wertheim, National Institutes of Health grant number R24 DK106743 to Leif Oxburgh and National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases award number F30DK123985 and National Institute of General Medical Sciences award number T32GM008152 to Bilal A. Naved. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Veterans Affairs, or the Unit....


NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
15 mL falcon tubeVWR62406-200
24 well plateVWR29443-952
40 micron strainerVWR21008-949
50 mL falcon tubeVWR21008-940
6 well plateVWR29442-042
96 well Clear Round Bottom Ultra-Low Attachment Microplate (U bottom)Corning7007
AccutaseSTEMCELL Technologies7920Store at -20 °C
Activin AR&D systems338-AC-010Aliquot and store at -20 °C
Advanced RPMI 1640ThermoFisher Scientific12633-012Store at 4 °C
APEL2STEMCELL Technologies5270Store at -20 °C
BMP7R&D systems354-BP-010Aliquot and store at -20 °C
CHIR99021 IN SOLUTIONReprocell04-0004-10Aliquot and store at -20 °C
Confocal microscopeLeica MicrosystemsSP8
Dextran, AF 488, 10,000 MWThermo fisher ScientificD22910Store at -20 °C
DMEM/F12Thermo fisher Scientific11330-032Store at 4 °C
FBSAtlanta BiologicalsS11550Store at -20 °C
FGF2R&D systems234-FSE-025Aliquot and store at -20 °C
FGF9R&D systems273-F9-025Aliquot and store at -20 °C
GeltrexThermo fisher ScientificA1413301Aliquot and Store at -20 °C
GlutamaxThermo fisher Scientific35050061
H9 cellsWiCellWA09Store in liquid Nitrogen
Isopore membraneEMD MilliporeVCTP01300
PFHM IIThermo fisher Scientific12040077Store at 4 °C
Rock inhibitor Y-27632EMD Millipore688002-1mgAliquot and store at -20 °C
StemFit MediumamsbioSFB-500Store at -20 °C
Triton X-100SigmaX100-100ML
TrypLe expressThermo fisher Scientific12563029


  1. Lv, J. C., Zhang, L. X. Prevalence and disease burden of chronic kidney disease. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 1165, 3-15 (2019).
  2. Oxburgh, L. (Re)Building a Kidney. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 28<....

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kidney organoidsair liquid interfaceorganotypic culturenephronrenal tissueskidney progenitorsproximal tubuleendothelial cells

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