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The ability to pattern the liquid crystal (LC) pretilt angle at the LC-substrate interface with a single photoalignment material remains limited. The protocol here presents a method for accessing a large range of pretilt angles utilizing oblique exposures of brilliant yellow photoalignment films.


While the ability to pattern the azimuthal (i.e., in-plane) orientation of the LC director utilizing photoalignment films is well established, the ability to pattern the polar orientation, or pretilt angle, remains limited. Most reported methods for obtaining large, tunable pretilt angles with photoalignment materials require modification of the chemical structure, combinations of materials, or expensive equipment and set-ups with low scalability. To date, methods which utilize a single photoalignment material can only access a limited range of pretilt angles up to approximately 10°. Access to the full range of pretilt angles from 0°-90° is demonstrated here by utilizing oblique exposures of Brilliant Yellow (BY) photoalignment films. Smaller pretilt angles (between 0°-30°) are obtained by utilizing an unpolarized oblique exposure prior to LC fill. Larger pretilt angles (between 30°-90°) are obtained utilizing an in situ unpolarized oblique exposure after LC fill. The ability to rewrite the LC pretilt is inherent in the latter method. Simple patterns are generated utilizing photomasks during the oblique exposure. The work establishes BY as an ideal photoalignment material for research applications which would benefit from full control of the LC director orientation at the LC-substrate interface. These applications include non-mechanical beam-steering, q-plates, controlled placement of colloidal particles, LC elastomer origami, and general patterning and control of active matter.


Liquid crystal (LC) alignment layers are a fundamental component of a wide range of LC research. Conventional methods such as mechanical rubbing of polyimides have several drawbacks including static charge buildup, contamination by debris, and the high temperature imidization step. Additionally, the rubbing process impedes the ability to control and pattern the LC director at the LC-substrate interface. This is a requirement for several LC-related research areas including non-mechanical beam steering1, q-plates2, controlled placement of colloidal particles3, LC elastomer orig....


1. Preparation of Brilliant Yellow solution

  1. Dissolve BY in dimethylformamide (DMF) at a concentration of 4% by weight. Vortex the mixture until BY powder is no longer visible. Pull the solution into a gas tight syringe and filter through a 0.2 µm PTFE filter.

2. Cleaning of glass substrates

  1. Obtain appropriately sized substrates. All results in this paper were obtained using indium tin oxide (ITO)-coated glass substrates scribed from a larger sheet into 2 cm x 2.5 cm pieces.
  2. Fill the ultrasonic bath with 1% concentrated cleaning solution and deionized water.....


Exposure of BY film prior to filling for smaller range of pretilt angles. For exposure prior to filling, the magnitude of the pretilt angle is most easily controlled by modulating the duration of the oblique exposure. Longer oblique exposures result in a larger degree of out-of-plane reorientation in the BY film. A bench top spectrometer with a linear polarizer in the beam path is used to collect absorbance spectra from the BY-coated substrates after exposure; by rotating the polarizer, spectra can be co.......


The primary point of discussion for this method is the overall sensitivity of the substrate-BY-LC system to chosen materials as well as environmental conditions. Although both methods, exposure prior to filling with LC and exposure after filling with LC, are sensitive to environmental conditions, these can generally be accounted for and controlled. As noted in the protocol section, the humidity during the spin-coating step is a critical environmental factor that must be controlled to obtain high quality pretilt angles an.......


The authors declare no competing financial interests.


Colin McGinty acknowledges the postdoctoral National Research Council Associateship at the Naval Research Laboratory and funding from the Naval Research Laboratory Base Program.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
415 nm LEDThorLabsSOLIS-415C
450 nm LEDLuxeonSP-03-V4Luxeon TriStar LED Module with 3 LXML-PR02-A900 Rebel LEDs. 448 nm.
Brilliant YellowSigma Aldrich201375-25GDye Content >= 50%. Also called Direct Yellow 4.
Cleaning SolutionInternational Products CorporationM-9050-12Micro 90 Concentrated Cleaning Solution
DimethylformamideSigma Aldrich227056-1LN,N-Dimethylformamide anhydrous, 99.8%
E7Merck Licristal28656
IsopropanolFisher ScientificAC184130010
Indium Tin Oxide coated glassColorado Concept Coatings0.43" x 14" x 14" sheets, 80-90 ohms
Optical AdhesiveNorlandNOA 65
PTFE FilterPall Life Sciences2400Acrodisc Syringe Filter 0.2 micron
ScriberDelphi Glass5426Beetle Bits Cutting System
Silica SpacersSekisui Chemical Company LtdSP-205Sekisui Fine Chemical Division
Spin coaterSpecialty Coating SystemsSCS 6800
Ultrasonic CleanerBransonModel 2800Available from several distributors.
UV LEDElectro-Lite72005
UV/Ozone CleanerOssilaL2002A2-UK
Vacuum MatBarant Co.M14 309For Assembly of LC Cells
Vacuum PumpBarant Co.400-2901


  1. Kim, J., Oh, C., Escuti, M. J., Hosting, L., Serati, S. Wide-angle nonmechanical beam steering using thin liquid crystal polarization gratings. Proceedings of SPIE. 7093, 709302 (2008).
  2. Marrucci, L., Manzo, C., Paparo, D.

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