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This video describes the protocol for grafting human pancreatic islets into the anterior chamber of the mouse’s eye to monitor revascularization of human islet grafts in vivo. It also helps to understand the contribution of recipient versus donor cells in promoting the encapsulation and vascularization of the graft.
All procedures involving animal models have been reviewed by the local institutional animal care committee and the jove veterinary review board
1. Preparation of transplantation equipment and surgery table
NOTE: All surgical tools should be autoclaved, and the surgery table and instruments disinfected with 70% alcohol.
Figure 1: Transplantation of pancreatic islets into the anterior chamber of the eye.
(a) Transplantation setup showing anesthetized mouse fixed in stereotaxic head holder and the exposed eye (inset) next to the prepared Hamilton syringe fixed to the table and the stereomicroscope ready to pick mouse islets (b) or human islets (c). (d) Waiting position of th.......
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Source: Nilsson, J.et. al. A Longitudinal In Vivo Imaging and Quantification of Human Pancreatic Islet Grafting and Contributing Host Cells in the Anterior Eye Chamber. J. Vis. Exp. (2020).
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