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Immunology and Infection

Количественный анализ всех гриппа типа Вирусный Hemagglutinins и нейраминидазы использованием универсального антител в простом Анализы Blot Слот

Published: April 4th, 2011



1Centre for Vaccine Evaluation, Biologics and Genetic Therapies Directorate, HPFB, Health canada, 2National Institute for the Control of Pharmaceutical and Biological Products, The State Food and Drug Administration, Beijing, 3Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, University of Ottawa, 4Microbiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, 5National Microbiology Laboratory, Public Health Agency of Canada
* These authors contributed equally


Important: There has been an erratum issued for this article. Read more …

Простой метод блот слот был разработан для количественной оценки гриппа вирусного гемагглютинина и нейраминидазы с использованием универсальных антител ориентации их наиболее сохраняется последовательности, выявленных в ходе анализа биоинформатики. Этот инновационный подход может обеспечить полезную альтернативу количественное определение всех вирусных гемагглютинина и нейраминидазы.

Hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) are two surface proteins of influenza viruses which are known to play important roles in the viral life cycle and the induction of protective immune responses1,2. As the main target for neutralizing antibodies, HA is currently used as the influenza vaccine potency marker and is measured by single radial immunodiffusion (SRID)3. However, the dependence of SRID on the availability of the corresponding subtype-specific antisera causes a minimum of 2-3 months delay for the release of every new vaccine. Moreover, despite evidence that NA also induces protective immunity4, the amount of NA in influenza vaccines is not yet standardized due to a lack of appropriate reagents or analytical method5. Thus, simple alternative methods capable of quantifying HA and NA antigens are desirable for rapid release and better quality control of influenza vaccines.

Universally conserved regions in all available influenza A HA and NA sequences were identified by bioinformatics analyses6-7. One sequence (designated as Uni-1) was identified in the only universally conserved epitope of HA, the fusion peptide6, while two conserved sequences were identified in neuraminidases, one close to the enzymatic active site (designated as HCA-2) and the other close to the N-terminus (designated as HCA-3)7. Peptides with these amino acid sequences were synthesized and used to immunize rabbits for the production of antibodies. The antibody against the Uni-1 epitope of HA was able to bind to 13 subtypes of influenza A HA (H1-H13) while the antibodies against the HCA-2 and HCA-3 regions of NA were capable of binding all 9 NA subtypes. All antibodies showed remarkable specificity against the viral sequences as evidenced by the observation that no cross-reactivity to allantoic proteins was detected. These universal antibodies were then used to develop slot blot assays to quantify HA and NA in influenza A vaccines without the need for specific antisera7,8. Vaccine samples were applied onto a PVDF membrane using a slot blot apparatus along with reference standards diluted to various concentrations. For the detection of HA, samples and standard were first diluted in Tris-buffered saline (TBS) containing 4M urea while for the measurement of NA they were diluted in TBS containing 0.01% Zwittergent as these conditions significantly improved the detection sensitivity. Following the detection of the HA and NA antigens by immunoblotting with their respective universal antibodies, signal intensities were quantified by densitometry. Amounts of HA and NA in the vaccines were then calculated using a standard curve established with the signal intensities of the various concentrations of the references used.

Given that these antibodies bind to universal epitopes in HA or NA, interested investigators could use them as research tools in immunoassays other than the slot blot only.

1. Приготовление реагентов и оборудования

  1. Перед началом процедуры слот-блот, подготовить 20_mls 4 М раствор мочевины в трис-буферный солевой раствор (20 мМ Tris, 137 мМ NaCl, рН 7,6) (TBS) для гемагглютинин или HA, слот пятно, или 20_mls от 0,01% Zwittergent решение в TBS для нейраминидазы или НД, слот пятно. Хотя.......

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Количественное определение вирусной гриппа HA и NA имеют решающее значение для исследований и разработки вакцины, так как эти две поверхностные белки являются наиболее важными компонентами вирусной вызывать иммунный ответ 6-11. Ранее сообщалось, иммунологические методы обнаружен?.......

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Авторы хотели бы поблагодарить г-жа Моника Tocchi для редакционного обзора рукописи. AMH поддерживается стипендии от короля Абдель Азиза университета, через Саудовской Аравии культурного бюро в Канаде.


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NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Название реагентов или оборудования Компания Номер в каталоге Комментарии
Био-Dot SF Микрофильтрация аппарата Bio-Rad 170-6542
Био-Dot SF Фильтровальная бумага Bio-Rad 162-0161
Immobilon-ФЗ передача мембрана (PVDF) Millipore IPFL00010
Вакуум-насос Millipore WP6111560
Хемилюминесценция BioMax свет фильм Кодак 178 8207
FluorChem Гель Документация системы Альфа Иннотек 29-008-1896X
Универсальные антитела кролика против HA и NA антигенов Uni-1 (HA), HCA-2, ГЛК-3 (NA) Антитела, которые доступны через MTA или могут быть получены заинтересованными исследователями в порядке, описанной ранее 6,7.
Вакцина против гриппа ссылкой антигена СБЕР / FDA или NIBSC
Образцы Вакцина против гриппа Обычно имеются в большинстве стран
Мочевина Sigma-Aldrich U1250
Zwittergent 3-14 моющих средств Calbiochem 693017
Твин-20 Fisher Scientific BP337-500
Blotting класса Blocker обезжиренное сухое молоко Bio-Rad 170-6404
ImmunoPure Коза Anti-IgG кролика, (H + L), пероксидазы конъюгированная Thermo Scientific 31460
SuperSignal Запад Дура Расширенный Продолжительность субстрата Thermo Scientific 34075

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Erratum: Quantitative Analyses of all Influenza Type A Viral Hemagglutinins and Neuraminidases using Universal Antibodies in Simple Slot Blot Assays

An author's affiliation was omitted from the publication of Quantitative Analyses of all Influenza Type A Viral Hemagglutinins and Neuraminidases using Universal Antibodies in Simple Slot Blot Assays.

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