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A simple microfluidic device has been developed to perform anesthetic free in vivo imaging of C. elegans, intact Drosophila larvae and zebrafish larvae. The device utilizes a deformable PDMS membrane to immobilize these model organisms in order to perform time lapse imaging of numerous processes such as heart beat, cell division and sub-cellular neuronal transport. We demonstrate the use of this device and show examples of different types of data collected from different model systems.


Micro fabricated fluidic devices provide an accessible micro-environment for in vivo studies on small organisms. Simple fabrication processes are available for microfluidic devices using soft lithography techniques 1-3. Microfluidic devices have been used for sub-cellular imaging 4,5, in vivo laser microsurgery 2,6 and cellular imaging 4,7. In vivo imaging requires immobilization of organisms. This has been achieved using suction 5,8, tapered channels 6,7,9, deformable membranes 2-4,10, suction with additional cooling 5, anesthetic gas 11, temperature sensitive gels 12, cyanoacrylate glue 13 and anesthetics such as levamisole 14,15. Commonly used anesthetics influence synaptic transmission 16,17 and are known to have detrimental effects on sub-cellular neuronal transport 4. In this study we demonstrate a membrane based poly-dimethyl-siloxane (PDMS) device that allows anesthetic free immobilization of intact genetic model organisms such as Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), Drosophila larvae and zebrafish larvae. These model organisms are suitable for in vivo studies in microfluidic devices because of their small diameters and optically transparent or translucent bodies. Body diameters range from ~10 μm to ~800 μm for early larval stages of C. elegans and zebrafish larvae and require microfluidic devices of different sizes to achieve complete immobilization for high resolution time-lapse imaging. These organisms are immobilized using pressure applied by compressed nitrogen gas through a liquid column and imaged using an inverted microscope. Animals released from the trap return to normal locomotion within 10 min.

We demonstrate four applications of time-lapse imaging in C. elegans namely, imaging mitochondrial transport in neurons, pre-synaptic vesicle transport in a transport-defective mutant, glutamate receptor transport and Q neuroblast cell division. Data obtained from such movies show that microfluidic immobilization is a useful and accurate means of acquiring in vivo data of cellular and sub-cellular events when compared to anesthetized animals (Figure 1J and 3C-F 4).

Device dimensions were altered to allow time-lapse imaging of different stages of C. elegans, first instar Drosophila larvae and zebrafish larvae. Transport of vesicles marked with synaptotagmin tagged with GFP (syt.eGFP) in sensory neurons shows directed motion of synaptic vesicle markers expressed in cholinergic sensory neurons in intact first instar Drosophila larvae. A similar device has been used to carry out time-lapse imaging of heartbeat in ~30 hr post fertilization (hpf) zebrafish larvae. These data show that the simple devices we have developed can be applied to a variety of model systems to study several cell biological and developmental phenomena in vivo.


1. SU8 Master Fabrication

  1. Design the microfluidic structures using Clewin software and print it using 65,024 DPI laser plotter with minimum feature size of 8 μm on circuit board film.
  2. Clean 2 cm X 2 cm silicon wafers with native oxide in 20% KOH for 1 min and rinse in deionized water; one wafer each for the flow layer and its corresponding control layer.
  3. Blow dry the pieces with nitrogen gas and dehydrate on a hot plate at 120 °C for 4 hr. Allow the pieces to cool down to room temperature before proceeding to the next step.
  4. Place silicon pieces one at a time on the spinner chuck and turn on the vacuum. Cover th....

Representative Results

The immobilization device is a bilayer PDMS block fabricated by bonding two layers: a flow layer (Layer 1) and a control layer (Layer 2) as shown in Figure 1. The main trap is connected to a nitrogen gas cylinder through a regulator and a 3-way stop cock to apply necessary (3-14 psi) pressure onto the membrane through a liquid column (Figure 1A). The deflected membrane immobilizes C. elegans, Drosophila or zebrafish larvae in the flow channel designed with different dim.......


PDMS microfluidic devices are optically transparent therefore can be used for high resolution in vivo imaging of any transparent/translucent model organism. Our design is suitable for high magnification spatio-temporal imaging of cellular and sub-cellular events in intact live animals. Microfabrication using soft lithography techniques allows easy manipulation of device dimensions for various sizes of model organisms. Devices of various sizes are fabricated for different stages of C. elegans, Drosop.......


No conflicts of interest declared.


We thank Dr. Krishanu Ray for Drosophila stocks, Tarjani Agarwal for maintaining a Drosophila cage, Peter Juo for nuIs25 and CGC for C. elegans strains. SPK made jsIs609 in Michael Nonet's laboratory. We thank Arpan Agnihotri (BITS Pilani) for his help in time-lapse imaging of mitochondria transport of jsIs609 animals in microfluidic devices. We are grateful to Dr. Vatsala Thirumalai and Surya Prakash for providing us with zebrafish embryos. We thank Dr. Krishna and CIFF at NCBS for use of the spinning disc confocal microscope supported by the Department of Science and Technology- Centre for Nanotechnology (No. SR/....


NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Name of the reagentCompanyCatalogue numberComments (optional)
Silicon wafersUniversity wafer150 mm (100) Mech Grade SSP Si 
Clewin SoftwareWieWeb softwareVersion 2.90 
Laser plotterFine Line Imaging65,024 DPI 
SU8MicrochemSU8-2025, SU8-2050 
DeveloperMicrochemSU8 Developer 
PDMSDow corningSylgard 184 
UV lampOriel66943200W Hg Oriel Light
Hot air ovenUltra InstrumentsCustom madeSet at 50 °C
Hot plateIKA Laboratory Equipment3810000http://www.ika.com
Plasma cleanerHarrick PlasmaPDC-32G 
SpinnerSemiconductor Production SystemsSPIN150-NPPwww.SPS-Europe.com
Glass cover slipGold Seal22 X 22 mm, No. 1 thickness 
C. elegansCaenorhabditis Genetics Center (CGC)e1265, ayIs4 
DrosophilaBloomingtonP{chaGAL4}/cyo, UAS-syt.eGFP 
ZebrafishIndian wild typeWild type 
Tygon tubeSigmaZ279803 
Micro needleSigmaZ118044Cut into 1 cm pieces
3-way stopcockSigmaS7521 
Harris puncherSigmaZ708631 
Compressed nitrogen gasLocal Gas supplier Use a regulator to control the pressure
Stereo microscopeNikonSMZ645 
Confocal microscopeAndor & OlympusYokogawa spinning disc confocal microscope 
ImageJNational Institutes of Healthwww.rsbweb.nih.gov/ij Java based image processing program


  1. Whitesides, G. M., Ostuni, E., Takayama, S., Jiang, X., Ingber, D. E. Soft lithography in biology and biochemistry. Annu. Rev. Biomed. Eng. 3, 335-373 (2001).
  2. Guo, S. X. Femtosecond laser nanoaxotomy lab-on-a-chip for in vivo....

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Microfluidic DevicesIn Vivo ImagingC ElegansDrosophilaZebrafishSoft Lithography TechniquesSub cellular ImagingLaser MicrosurgeryCellular ImagingImmobilization TechniquesSuctionTapered ChannelsDeformable MembranesAnesthetic free ImmobilizationPDMS DeviceGenetic Model Organisms

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