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Accurate identification and location of epithelial cells along the intestinal mucosal lining are essential to define different cell lineages. Proper imaging of intestinal tissues is crucial for identification of protein expression patterns with maximum resolution. This study aims to delineate the optimal methods and conditions for processing mouse intestinal tissues.


Understanding the role of factors that regulate intestinal epithelial homeostasis and response to injury and regeneration is important. The current literature describes several different methodological approaches to obtain images of intestinal tissues for data validation. In this paper, we delineate a common protocol relating to the derivation and processing of mouse intestinal tissues. Proper fixation of intestinal tissues and Swiss-roll techniques that enhance intestinal epithelial morphology are discussed. Postresection processing and reorientation of embedded intestinal tissues are critical in obtaining paraffin-embedded blocks that display intact intestinal structural features after sectioning. The Swiss-rolling technique helps in histological assessment of the complete intestinal or colonic sections examined. An ability to differentiate intestinal structural features can be vital in quantitative measurements of intestinal inflammation and tumorigenesis along the entire length. Finally, paraffin-embedded sections are ideal for robust processing using both immunohistochemical and immunofluorescent detection methods. Nonfluorescent immunohistochemical sections provide a vibrant image of the tissue detailing different cellular structural features but do not provide flexibility for intracellular co-localization experiments. Multiple fluorescent channels can be appropriately utilized with immunofluorescent detection for co-localization experiments, lending support to mechanistic studies.


The mammalian intestinal epithelium comprises a single layer of columnar cells. In the small intestine, the proliferative cells are confined to the crypts while differentiated cells occupy the villus region. However, because there are no villi in the large bowel, the proliferative cells are localized to the bottom of the crypts and differentiated cells occupy the upper region of the crypts. The intestinal epithelium undergoes rapid replenishment (about 3 - 5 days) that is driven by continuous division of the proliferative cells within the crypts. The proliferative cells of the crypts are not a homogeneous population and are further subdivided into stem cells and trans....


1. Mice

  1. All studies involving mice were approved by the Stony Brook University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). The mice were maintained on a 12:12 hr light-dark cycle.
    1. Commercially obtain C57BL/6 mice. Obtain C57BL/6 mice carrying Klf5 alleles flanked by loxP sites (Klf5fl/fl). These mice were previously described21 and graciously provided by Dr. Ryozo Nagai.
  2. Purchase C57BL/6 mice carrying the inducible Cre recombinase gene under regulation of the Lgr5 promoter (Lgr5-EGFP/CreERT2 mice).
  3. To establish Lgr5-EGF....

Representative Results

The Swiss rolling technique in combination with immunohistochemical staining allows for comprehensive analysis of small or large intestinal tissue. The example of H&E staining of a large bowel of a C57BL/6 mouse (Figure 1) is an illustration of the feasibility and the effectiveness of this technique. As shown in Figure 1, the image is able to capture all portions of the colon: proximal, middle, and distal. Thus, it allows for comprehensive histologica.......


The Swiss rolling technique is a powerful method for preparing intestinal tissue for histological and morphological assessment on a large scale. In contrast to the previously described Swiss-rolling technique, which was originally developed for preparation of frozen sections18,19, the procedure presented here allows prompt intestinal tissue preparation and fixation for formalin fixation and paraffin embedding (FFPE). Compared to frozen tissue, FFPE tissue has much longer shelf life and is the preferred type of.......


The authors declare that they have no competing financial interests.


We would like to thank Ainara Ruiz de Sabando for providing H&E images. This work was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (DK052230, DK093680 and CA172113) awarded to Dr. Vincent W. Yang.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Stainless Steel Dissecting KitsVWR25640-002
Decloaking ChamberBiocare MedicalDC2012
Syringe 10mlVWR89215-218
Swingsette Tissue embedding/processing cassette with lidSimportM515
Superfrost Plus Slides [size: 25x75x1mm]VWR48311-703
Manual Slide Staining SetTissue-Tek/Sakura4451
Staining Dish GreenTissue-Tek/Sakura4456
Staining Dish WhiteTissue-Tek/Sakura4457
24-Slide Slide Holder with Detachable HandleTissue-Tek/Sakura4465
OvenThermo Scientific6243for baking slides at 65 degree
Dissection microscopeZeissStemi 2000C
Fluorescence MicroscopeNikonEclipse 90iBright and fluoerescent light, with objectives: 10x, 20x
PAP Pen Super-Liquid Blocker MiniFisher ScientificDAI-PAP-S-M
Ethanol 200 proofAAPR111000200
Glacial acetic acidAAPR281000ACS
XyleneFisher ScientificX5P-1GAL
Hydrogen peroxide 25% solution in waterACROS202465000
10% bufered formalinFisher Scientific22-026-213
Bovine serum fraction V, heat shockRoche3116956001
Tween 20Sigma AldrichP7949
Sodium citrateFisher ScientificS279
Gavage needleVWR20068-624
Rabbit anti Klf5 antibodySanta Cruz Biotechnologysc-22797Dilution 1: 150
Chicken anti EGFP antibodyMilliporeAB16901Dilution 1: 500
Rabbit anti Ki67 antibodyBiocare MedicalCRM325BDilution 1: 500
Mach3 rabbit AP polymer detection kitBiocare MedicalM3R533L
Warp red chromogen kitBiocare MedicalWR806 H
Lgr5-EGFP/CreERT2 mice Jackson labs008875 
Automated processorLeicaLeica TP1020


  1. van der Flier, L. G., Clevers, H. Stem cells, self-renewal, and differentiation in the intestinal epithelium. Annu Rev Physiol. 71, 241-260 (2009).
  2. Bjerknes, M., Cheng, H. Methods for the isolation of intac....

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