To study the effects of Aβo in vivo, we developed a model based on repeated hippocampal infusions of soluble Aβo coupled with continuous infusion of Aβo antibody (6E10) in the hippocampus using osmotic pumps to counteract the neurotoxic effect of Aβo.
Decline in hippocampal-dependent explicit memory (memory for facts and events) is one of the earliest clinical symptom of Alzheimer's disease (AD). It is well established that synapse loss and ensuing neurodegeneration are the best predictors for memory impairments in AD. Latest studies have emphasized the neurotoxic role of soluble amyloid-beta oligomers (Aβo) that begin to accumulate in the human brain approximately 10 to 15 yr before the clinical symptoms become apparent. Many reports indicate that soluble Aβo correlate with memory deficits in AD models and humans. The Aβo-induced neurodegeneration observed in neuronal and brain slice cultures has been more challenging to reproduce in many animal models. The model of repeated Aβo infusions shown here overcome this issue and allow addressing two key domains for developing new disease modifying therapies: identify biological markers to diagnose early AD, and determine the molecular mechanisms underpinning Aβo-induced memory deficits at the onset of AD. Since soluble Aβo aggregate relatively fast into insoluble Aβ fibrils that correlate poorly with the clinical state of patients, soluble Aβo are prepared freshly and injected once per day during six days to produce marked cell death in the hippocampus. We used cannula specially design for simultaneous infusions of Aβo and continuous infusion of Aβo antibody (6E10) in the hippocampus using osmotic pumps. This innovative in vivo method can now be used in preclinical studies to validate the efficiency of new AD therapies that might prevent the deposition and neurotoxicity of Aβo in pre-dementia patients.
It was initially proposed that accumulation of insoluble Aβ species in the brain was central to AD pathogenesis.1,2 However, amyloid plaques are also detected in some cognitively normal elderly.3-7 To overcome the poor correlation existing between plaque depositions and cognitive deficits in AD, latest reports have shown the presence of toxic soluble Aβo at the onset of the disease, which correlate much better with the clinical state of the patients.8-14 Since the process of Aβ oligomerization is very dynamic, it was suggested that neurotoxicity is induced by various Aβo instead of only one specific type of oligomer.14-16 Since many studies have shown that Aβo can initiate synapse dysfunctions prior to synapse and neuronal loss,17-24 current theories indicate that Aβ-related treatment might be effective in early AD rather than at later stages as tested so far in clinical trials.
One hallmark feature of AD pathogenesis is the massive and widespread cell death observed in the late stages of the disease, and the significant synapse and neuronal loss observed in localized brain regions when memory deficits become detectable at the clinical level. The perforant pathway that projects from the entorhinal cortex (EC) to the dentate gyrus (DG) is perturbed markedly at the early onset of AD.25,26 During the prodromal state of AD when mild cognitive impairment (MCI) becomes apparent significant cell death is detected in the EC as well as synaptic loss in the DG.25,26
Although a large body of evidence has pinpointed the toxic action of soluble Aβo in early AD,8-14 Aβo-induced neurodegeneration observed in neuronal culture or organotypic brain slice culture has been more challenging to reproduce in animal models.27 Most of the transgenic AD models overexpressing Aβ have amyloid plaques, tau hyperphosphorylation, synaptic deficiency and memory deficits.27 However, these models have been much less successful in modelling cell death observed in the hippocampus of AD patients. To overcome these technical issues we developed a model based on intracerebral infusions of soluble Aβo. We reported earlier that repeated hippocampal infusions of soluble Aβo induce gradual neuronal loss and tau hyperphosphorylation, two pathological hallmarks associated with memory decline in AD.28 Here, we are showing a novel method to test AD therapies using cannula specially design for simultaneous infusions of Aβo and continuous infusion of Aβo antibody (6E10) with osmotic pumps.
Osmotic pumps provide a unique way to test in vivo the efficiency of any antibody (or other compounds) against Aβo-induced neurodegeneration directly at the infusion site of Aβo. Thus, these pumps represent a convenient tool to establish a solid proof-of-concept regarding the mechanisms of action of potential therapeutic agents in AD. Since recent reports point out the critical impact of soluble Aβo in the early stages of AD, many treatments directed toward Aβo are actually being tested by academic and pharmaceutical laboratories. This novel animal model allows mimicking the synaptic and neuronal loss observed in early AD, and osmotic pumps are used to infuse continuously treatment agents specifically at the Aβo infusion site. The repetitive failures of AD therapies tested over the last few years in mild to moderate patients as prompted researchers to initiate trials in pre-dementia patients before Aβo begin to accumulate abundantly and generate irreversible brain damage. In this context, testing new compounds that prevent the deposition and consequently the neurotoxicity of Aβo might be of interest in pre-clinical patients.
Ethics statement: The animal protocol for this project obtained the approval from the Animal Care Committee of the Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal in compliance with the guidelines of the Canadian Council on Animal Care.
1. Catheter Preparation before Stereotaxic Surgery
2. Cannula Implantation by Stereotaxy
3. Osmotic Pump Installation
4. Aβo Infusions in Awake and Freely Moving Rats
The neurotoxic effect of Aβo was investigated in Long-Evans rats by implanting cannula in the DG of the hippocampus. Soluble Aβo were injected every day over six consecutive days. We used cannula specially design for simultaneous infusions of Aβo and continuous infusion of 6E10 or control IgG1 antibody in the hippocampus using osmotic pumps (Figure 1A). For immunohistochemistry rats were anesthetized, perfused transcardially with 0.9% NaCl, and brains immersed in 4% paraformaldehyde solution for 48 hr and 15% sucrose solution for 24 hr. Free-floating coronal sections (40 µm) were treated with 0.3% H2O2 for 30 min, blocked in 1% goat serum for 1 hr, and incubated overnight at 4 °C with an anti-pan-Aβ antibody. Sections were treated with 70% formic acid for 3 min before applying the antibody. Detection was performed using the ABC complex and a 0.05% 3,3-diaminobenzidine solution. Sections were mounted on gelatin-coated glass slides, air-dried 2 hr, dehydrated (30, 70, 95, and 100% alcohol), incubated in toluene 5 min, and coverslipped. For cresyl violet staining, sections were incubated 10 min in a 0.5% cresyl violet solution, incubated 1 min in a 0.5% acetic acid solution, decolored (70, 95, and 100% alcohol), immersed in toluene 5 min, and covered with glass coverslip.
The results presented here show the deposition of Aβo in the DG in vicinity of the infusion site, and cell death associated with this accumulation. We found that the level Aβo was substantially decreased by 6E10 antibody treatment (Figure 1B). Marked neurodegeneration was observed near the injecting site of Aβo, and was attenuated by 6E10 antibody treatment (Figure 1B). These results are consistent with Aβo accumulation that we observed in the DG following repeated Aβo infusions in mice.28 Clearance of amyloid deposition by immunotherapy with 6E10 antibody shown here is in line with another report done in a transgenic AD mouse model.31
Figure 1. Photo of the Animal with Bilateral Cannula During Aβo Infusion. A solution of Aβo (0.2 µg/µl; 1 µl) was injected in awake and freely moving rats (once a day for 6 days) using PE50 catheters connected to internal cannula inserted into guide cannula. Treatment with control (Ctl) IgG1 or 6E10 antibody was infused directly at the site of Aβo infusion using osmotic pumps located subcutaneously between the shoulder blades of the animal. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2. Neuronal Loss Induced by Aβo Deposition is Attenuated by 6E10 Antibody Treatment. A, Aβo (0.2 µg/µl; 1 µl) was injected once a day during 6 consecutive days, and treated with Ctl (IgG1) or 6E10 antibody at the site of infusion using osmotic pumps. B, Representative accumulation of Aβo in the DG on a section immediately next to cannula insertion, and representative staining with cresyl violet showing cell loss. Scale bars: 50 µm (n = 4) Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
There are critical steps within this protocol that required special attention. When implanting the cannula, avoid putting dental cement when it is too liquid to prevent blocking the hole of the second cannula. It is important to place dental cement at the free end of the P50 catheter attached to the pump to prevent irritation and a possible inflammatory response. The day of the stereotaxic surgery, use dummy cannula that are the same length as guide cannula to avoid blocking cannula. However, after installing pumps use shorter dummy cannula that stop before the angle arm of the cannula to allow proper infusion of the solution from the pump to the hippocampus. Monitor closely Aβo infusions and verify that the air bubble done in catheters is moving continuously during infusions. Always make sure that the injecting cannula is completely inserted into the guide cannula during infusions.
If problem is encounter during Aβ infusion, verify that the internal cannula is not blocked. If it is the case, flush sterile distilled water through the internal cannula. If the guide cannula is obstructed, turn the internal cannula into the guide cannula. Otherwise move the internal cannula up and down. Contention in the snuggle can be stressful for rats, especially on the first day. To decrease the stress of the animal, we recommend to manipulate and habituate rats to the snuggle before the stereotaxic surgery.
Many advantages can be attributed to this novel and flexible in vivo approach. Indeed, the nature of Aβo injected can be accurately control before infusion, and different type of Aβ preparations (for example synthetic vs brain-derived Aβ solutions) can be injected to evaluate their neurotoxicity in vivo. This model can also be used to investigate mechanisms by which various Aβ species (e.g., monomers, low- and high-molecular-weight oligomers, protofibrils) can induce neurotoxic effects in vivo, and how treatments like immunotherapy might counteract their deleterious impact in the brain. Since the infusions are perform in awake, freely-moving animals, there are no confounding effects between anesthetic agents and the Aβo solution on signaling pathways, as shown in previous studies.32,33 Infusions in freely moving animal are also compatible with behavioral testing any time before and after the infusions.
Infusions of Aβo and pump installation can be done in animal of different ages to determine the effects of Aβo and treatments during aging. Since neurodegeneration occurs in vicinity of the infusion site, synapse and neuronal loss can be induced in different and localized brain regions. The collateral infusion of Aβo and control (vehicle or scramble Aβ) allows controlling for any change within the same animal. Conversely, Aβo or control solutions can be injected bilaterally in the right and left hippocampus, for example when testing animals in behavioral tasks. Infusion of Aβo and treatment can be done simultaneously or alternatively pumps can be installed after Aβo infusion to evaluate if the treatment is effective after Aβ deposition. The same protocol described here can also be used when doing intracerebroventricular infusions of Aβo. The effect of Aβo on intracellular signaling pathways can be evaluated before and after neuronal loss within a reasonably short time frame. The dose and number of Aβ infusions can also be adjusted to obtain a more or less severe Aβ pathogenicity.
Although very versatile, this technique has some limitations. Cannula implantation produces a mechanical disruption of the tissue and neuroinflammation in the first few days following surgery. Thus, it is essential to wait at least one week after surgery before starting Aβo infusion, and to add proper controls (injection of vehicle or inactive scramble Aβ) to take into account these events. Also, only a small volume of Aβo can be infused to limit diffusion of the solution.
The osmotic pumps represent a convenient and unique delivery method for preclinical validation of agents designed to prevent Aβ-induced neurodegeneration. Since immunotherapy with the 6E10 antibody has been shown previously to decrease Aβ accumulation in the brain,31 we used the 6E10 antibody as a proof-of-concept to validate our new in vivo approach. The used of osmotic pumps in this model might now be used to develop novel disease modifying therapies that could prevent the deposition and neurotoxicity of Aβo in pre-clinical AD patients.
Publication of this video-article is sponsored by ALZET Osmotic Pumps.
We thank Caroline Bouchard from the animal facility for the rat work. A.S. holds a J.A. De Sève master fellowship, and B.P. a COPSE fellowship from the Université de Montréal This work was funded by grants attributed to J.B. from FRQS-Pfizer and start-up funds from Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal Research Center.
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Artificial Cerebrospinal Fluid (aCSF) | Harvard Apparatus | 59-7316 | |
PE50 Catheter thin wall | Plastics one | C232CT | |
Ketamine Hydrochloride (100 mg/mL) | Bioniche | 1989529 | |
Xylaxine Hydrochloride (100 mg/mL) | Bimeda | 8XYL004C | |
Meloxicam (5 mg/mL) | Norbrook | 215670I01 | |
Solution of chlorhexidine gluconate 2% and isopropyl alcohol 2% | Carefusion | 260100C | |
Lidocaine Hydrochloride | Alveda Pharma | 0122AG01 | |
Bupivacaine Hydrochloride | Hospira | 1559 | |
ophthalmic ointment | Baussh and Lomb inc. | 2125706 | |
stereotaxic frame | Stoelting | 51600 | |
stereotaxic cannula holder arm | Harvard Apparatus | 72-4837 | |
Drill | Dremel | 8050-N/18 | |
Guide Cannula | Plastics one | 326OPG/spc | |
Injection Cannula | Plastics one | C315I/spc | |
Dummy Cannula | Plastics one | C315DC/spc | |
Suture thread coated vicryl rapide 4-0 | Ethicon | VR2297 | |
Dental Acrylic Cement | Harvard Apparatus | 72-6906 | |
Screws | JI Morris Company | P0090CE125 | |
6E10 antibody (mouse IgG1 isotype) | BioLegend | 803003 | |
Mouse IgG1 isotype control antibody | Abcam | AB18447 | |
Alzet osmotic pumps model 1007D | Durect corporation | 290 | |
Isoflurane | Baxter | CA2L9100 | |
Amyloid-beta 1-42 | rPeptide | A-1163-1 | |
Hamilton syringe (10 µL) | Fisher Scientique | 14815279 | |
Infusion Syringe Pump CMA 402 | Harvard Apparatus | CMA8003110 | |
Syringe 1 mL | BD | 309659 | |
Needle 21G | Terumo | NN-2125R | |
Snuggle | Lomir Biomedical | RTS04 |
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