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Here, we show the generation of human engineered heart tissue from induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC)-derived cardiomyocytes. We present a method to analyze contraction force and exemplary alteration of contraction pattern by the hERG channel inhibitor E-4031. This method shows high level of robustness and suitability for cardiac drug screening.


Cardiac tissue engineering describes techniques to constitute three dimensional force-generating engineered tissues. For the implementation of these procedures in basic research and preclinical drug development, it is important to develop protocols for automated generation and analysis under standardized conditions. Here, we present a technique to generate engineered heart tissue (EHT) from cardiomyocytes of different species (rat, mouse, human). The technique relies on the assembly of a fibrin-gel containing dissociated cardiomyocytes between elastic polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) posts in a 24-well format. Three-dimensional, force-generating EHTs constitute within two weeks after casting. This procedure allows for the generation of several hundred EHTs per week and is technically limited only by the availability of cardiomyocytes (0.4-1.0 x 106/EHT). Evaluation of auxotonic muscle contractions is performed in a modified incubation chamber with a mechanical interlock for 24-well plates and a camera placed on top of this chamber. A software controls a camera moved on an XYZ axis system to each EHT. EHT contractions are detected by an automated figure recognition algorithm, and force is calculated based on shortening of the EHT and the elastic propensity and geometry of the PDMS posts. This procedure allows for automated analysis of high numbers of EHT under standardized and sterile conditions. The reliable detection of drug effects on cardiomyocyte contraction is crucial for cardiac drug development and safety pharmacology. We demonstrate, with the example of the hERG channel inhibitor E-4031, that the human EHT system replicates drug responses on contraction kinetics of the human heart, indicating it to be a promising tool for cardiac drug safety screening.


Cardiac side effects such as the drug-induced long QT syndrome have led to market withdrawals over the past years. Statistics indicate that about 45% of all withdrawals are due to unwanted effects on the cardiovascular system1. This drug failure after the expensive developmental process and approval is the worst-case scenario for pharmaceutical companies. Research and development departments therefore focus on detection of such unwanted cardiovascular effects early on. For economic and ethical concerns, efforts to reduce animal experiments and replace them with new in vitro screening assays are ongoing.

A se....


NOTE: The following steps describe a cell culture protocol. Please perform under sterile conditions and use pre-warmed media.

1. Cardiac Differentiation of hiPSC

  1. Cultivate the hiPSC
    1. Coat 6-well plates (1 mL/well) or T75 flasks (7 mL/flask) with reduced growth factor basement membrane matrix (e.g. geltrex, 1:200; see table of materials) diluted in Dulbecco's modified Eagle medium (DMEM) for 30 min at 37 °C. Prepare FTDA medium12 by mixing basic DMEM/F-12 medium with 2 mM L-Glutamine, 0.5% penicillin/streptomycin, 5 mg/L transferrin, 5 µg/L selenium, 0.1% ....

Representative Results

Cardiac Differentiation and Preparation of EHT

HiPSC were expanded on reduced growth factor basement membrane matrix, dissociated with EDTA and embryoid bodies (EBs) formed in spinner flasks overnight. After mesodermal induction for three days, cardiac differentiation was initiated with the Wnt inhibitor. After ~17 days of differentiation protocol, beating EBs were dissociated into single cells with collagenase type II (Fig.......


Engineered heart tissue offers a valuable option to the tool box of cardiovascular research. EHTs in the 24-well format have proven valuable for disease modeling8,14, drug safety screening7,8,10,11,15, or basic cardiovascular research16,17.



I.M., T.E. and A.H. are co-founders of EHT Technologies GmbH, Germany.


The authors are grateful to Alessandra Moretti and Dennis Schade for their kind contribution of material. We acknowledge the great support of the iPS and EHT working group at the Department of Experimental Pharmacology and Toxicology of the UKE. The work of the authors is supported by grants from the DZHK (German Centre for Cardiovascular Research) and the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the German Research Foundation (DFG Es 88/12-1, HA 3423/5-1), British National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs CRACK-IT grant 35911-259146), the British Heart Foundation RM/13/30157, the European Research Council (Advan....


NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
EHT analysis intrumentEHT Technologies GmbHA0001Software is included
EHT PDMS rackEHT Technologies GmbHC0001
EHT PTFE spacerEHT Technologies GmbHC0002
EHT electrodeEHT Technologies GmbHP0001
EHT pacing adapter/cableEHT Technologies GmbHP0002
6 well-cell culture plateNunc140675
15 ml falcon tube, graduated Sarstedt62,554,502
Cell scraperSarstedt831,830
Spinner flaskIntegra182 101
Stirrer Variomag/ Cimarec Biosystem Direct Thermo scientific70101Adjust rotor speed to 40 rpm
T175 cell culture flask Sarstedt 831,812,002
V-shaped sedimentation rack Custom made at UKE Hamburgna
10× DMEMGibco52100
1-Thioglycerol Sigma AldrichM6145
2-Phospho-L-ascorbic acid trisodium saltSigma Aldrich49752
Activin-A R&D systems338-AC
Agarose Invitrogen15510-019
AprotininSigma AldrichA1153
Aqua ad injectabiliaBaxter GmbH1428
B27 PLUS insulin Gibco17504-044
BMP-4R&D systems314-BP
Collagenase II WorthingtonLS004176
DMSO Sigma AldrichD4540
DNase II, type V (from bovine spleen)Sigma D8764
Dorsomorphin abcamab120843
EDTA Roth8043.2
Fetal calf serumGibco10437028
FGF2Miltenyi Biotec130-104-921
Fibrinogen (bovine)Sigma AldrichF8630
Geltrex GibcoA1413302For coating: 1:200 dilution
HBSS w/o Ca2+/Mg2+ Gibco14175-053
HEPES Roth9105.4
Horse serumLife technologies26050088
Human serum albumin Biological Industries05-720-1B
Insulin, humanSigma AldrichI9278
Lipidmix Sigma AldrichL5146
MatrigelBD Biosciences354234For EHT reconsitutionmix.
PBS w/o MgCl2/CaCl2Biochrom14190
Pluronic F-127 Sigma AldrichP2443
Polyvinyl alcohol Sigma AldrichP8136
RPMI 1640 Gibco21875
Sodium seleniteSigma AldrichS5261
ThrombinSigma AldrichT7513
Transferrin Sigma AldrichT8158
hiPSCCustom made at UKE hamburgna
iCell cardiomyocytes kitCellular Dynamics InternationalCMC-100-010-001
Pluricyte cardiomyocyte kitPluriomicsPCK-1.5
Cor.4U - HiPSC cardiomyocytes kitAxiogenesis AGAx-C-HC02-FR3
Cellartis cardiomyocytesTakara Bio USA, Inc.Y10075


  1. Laverty, H. How can we improve our understanding of cardiovascular safety liabilities to develop safer medicines?. Br J Pharmacol. 163 (4), 675-693 (2011).
  2. Takahashi, K., Yamanaka, S.

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Engineered Heart TissueCardiac Drug Safety ScreeningContractile ForceIn Vitro Contraction AnalysisDisease ModelingSafety PharmacologyGene VariantsAgarosePDMS RacksCardiomyocytesFibrinogenThrombinEHT Medium

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